更新时间:2019-01-10 17:12:55
中华人民共和国企业国有资产法 Law of the People's Republic of China on State-owned Assets in Enterprises
第一章 总则 Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
第二章 履行出资人职责的机构 Chapter Ⅱ Institutions Performing the Functions of a Contributor
第三章 国家出资企业 Chapter Ⅲ State-invested Enterprises
第四章 国家出资企业管理者的选择与考核 Chapter Ⅳ Selection and Appraisal of Managers of State-invested Enterprises
第五章 关系国有资产出资人权益的重大事项 Chapter Ⅴ Major Issues Concerning the Rights and Interests of the State-owned Assets Contributors
第一节 一般规定 Section 1 General Stipulations
第二节 企业改制 Section 2 Enterprise Restructuring
第三节 与关联方的交易 Section 3 Transactions with an Affiliated party
第四节 资产评估 Section 4 Assets Assessment
第五节 国有资产转让 Section 5 Transfer of State-owned Assets
第六章 国有资本经营预算 Chapter Ⅵ Budget for Management of State-owned Capital
第七章 国有资产监督 Chapter Ⅶ Supervision of State-owned Assets
第八章 法律责任 Chapter Ⅷ Legal Responsibility
第九章 附则 Chapter Ⅸ Supplementary Provisions