更新时间:2019-09-27 13:43:05
2012年度瓷器拍卖 Top 10
汝窑 Ruyao
哥窑 Geyao
钧窑 Junyao
定窑 Dingyao
龙泉窑 Longquan
磁州窑 Cizhou
耀州窑 Yaozhou
吉州窑 Jizhou
其他 Others
青花 Blue and White 元 Yuan
明 Ming
清 Qing
民国 Republic Period
青花釉里红 Blue and Underglaze Red
釉里红 Underglaze-Red
青花釉彩 Blue-White Glazed&Color
青花矾红 Blue-White&Iron-Red
斗彩 Doucai
五彩 Wucai
粉彩 Famille Rose
珐琅彩 Enarnel
珐华 Fahua
白釉 White-Glazed
德化白瓷 Blane-De-Chine
浆釉 Brown Glazed
天蓝釉 Sky-Blue Glazed
青釉 Celadon-Glazed
蓝釉 Blue Glazed
霁蓝釉 Ji-Blue Glaze
蓝地釉彩 Blue-Ground with Glazed
黄釉 Yellow-Glazed
黄地釉彩 Yellow-Ground with Colors
红釉 Copper-Red-Glazed
霁红釉 Ji-Red Glaze
豇豆红釉 Peachbloom-Glazed
矾红 Iron-Red-Decorated
珊瑚红釉 Coral Red Glazed
铁锈釉 Iron-rust Glaze
胭脂红釉 Red Glazed
绿釉 Green-Glazed
绿地釉彩 Green-Ground with Colors
窑变釉 Flambed Glazed
茄皮紫釉 Aubergine-Glazed
酱釉 Brown Glazed
孔雀釉 Turquoise Glazed
炉钧釉 Robin's Egg Glazed
茶叶末釉 Teadust Glazed
鳝鱼黄釉 Eelskin Glazed
金釉 Gold-Glazed
黑釉 Black-Glazed
乌金釉 Ugyen Glazed
墨彩 Ink Colour
仿定窑 Ding-Type
仿钧窑 Jun-Type
仿哥窑 Ge-Type
仿官窑 Guan-Type
仿汝窑 Ru-Type
仿龙泉窑 Longquan-Type
外销瓷器 Export Ceramics
广彩 Guangdong Decoration
青花 Blue and White
仿珐琅彩 Imitation Cloisonne
仿石雕 Imitation stone
仿古铜彩 Antique copper color
仿影青釉 Yingqian-Type
仿木纹 Woodgrain-Type
仿雕漆 Imitation lacquer
高丽瓷 Goryeo Ceramic
素三彩 Biscuit
三彩 SanCai
浅绛彩 Qianjiang Color
现当代 Modern and Contemporary
瓷板 Plaques
鼻烟壶 Snuff Bottle