更新时间:2020-03-23 14:47:23
Chapter 1 Introduction
§1.1 Summary
§1.2 Fluid and modeling
§1.3 Major physical properties of fluid
§1.4 Classification of fluid
§1.5 Forces acting on the fluid
Chapter 2 Hydrostatics
§2.1 Stress characteristics in a stationary fluid
§2.2 Differential balance equation
§2.3 Fluid hydrostatic pressure distribution under the action of gravity
§2.4 Relative balance of liquid
§2.5 Total hydrostatic pressure of liquid acting on a horizontal surface
§2.6 Total hydrostatic force on curved surface
§2.7 Buoyancy force and stability of snorkeling
Chapter 3 The basic theory of fluid motion
§3.1 Description method of fluid motion
§3.2 Some basic concepts of fluid motion
§3.3 Motion analysis of fluid parcel
§3.4 The basic equation for fluid motion
§3.5 Integration of Euler differential equation
§3.6 Steady plane potential flows
Chapter 4 Fundamental equations of steady total flow
§4.1 Analysis method of total flow
§4.2 Continuity equation of incompressible fluid
§4.3 The Bernoul li equation
§4.4 Momentum equation
Chapter 5 Similarity theory and dimensional analysis
§5.1 Dimension
§5.2 Dimensional analysis
§5.3 Similarity theory basis of fluid motion
§5.4 Model experiment
Chapter 6 Fluid resistance and energy loss
§6.1 Introduction
§6.2 Laminar and turbulent flow
§6.3 Laminar flow in a circular pipe
§6.4 Turbulent flow
§6.5 Linear head losses of turbulent flow in circular pipes
§6.6 The linear head loss of the turbulent flow In a non circular tube
§6.7 Local head loss
§6.8 The concept of boundary layer
§6.9 Drag force
Chapter 7 Orifice outflow and nozzle flow
§7.1 Steady orifice outflow
§7.2 Nozz l e ou t f l ow
§7.3 Unsteady outflow of orifice and nozzle
Chapter 8 Fluid motion in pressure pipe
§8.1 Hydraulic calculation of equal diameter short pipe
§8.2 Hydraulic calculation of long pipe
§8.3 Hydraulic calculation basis of pipe networks
§8.4 Water hammer in a pressure pipe
Chapter 9 Open channel flow
§9.1 Classification of open channel
§9.2 Uniform flow in open channel
§9.3 Uniform flow in non-pressure circular conduits
§9.4 Concepts of non-uniform flow in open channel
§9.5 Gradual ly varied flow water surface curve analysis in prismatic open channel
§9.6 The gradual ly varied flow water surface calculation in open channel
Chapter 10 Weir flow
§10.1 Definition and classification of weir flow
§10.2 Basic formula of weir flow
§10.3 Sharp-crested weir
§10.4 Ogee weir
§10.5 Broad-crested weir
§10.6 Hydraulic computation of flow cross small bridge
Chapter 11 Seepage
§11.1 Seepage basic laws
§11.2 Steady gradual seepage
§11.3 Seepage catchment corridor
§11.4 Seepage of wel ls
§11.5 Vertical water pressure of the building in water-table aquifer
Chapter 12 One dimensional flow of compressible gas
§12.1 Some basic concepts of compressible gas
§12.2 The basic principle of one dimensional flow of ideal gas
§12.3 Pipe flow of compressible gas