更新时间:2021-07-09 19:38:06
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Chapter 1. Behaviors – Intelligent Movement
Creating the behavior template
Pursuing and evading
Arriving and leaving
Facing objects
Wandering around
Following a path
Avoiding agents
Avoiding walls
Blending behaviors by weight
Blending behaviors by priority
Combining behaviors using a steering pipeline
Shooting a projectile
Predicting a projectile's landing spot
Targeting a projectile
Creating a jump system
Chapter 2. Navigation
Representing the world with grids
Representing the world with Dirichlet domains
Representing the world with points of visibility
Representing the world with a self-made navigation mesh
Finding your way out of a maze with DFS
Finding the shortest path in a grid with BFS
Finding the shortest path with Dijkstra
Finding the best-promising path with A*
Improving A* for memory: IDA*
Planning navigation in several frames: time-sliced search
Smoothing a path
Chapter 3. Decision Making
Choosing through a decision tree
Working a finite-state machine
Improving FSMs: hierarchical finite-state machines
Combining FSMs and decision trees
Implementing behavior trees
Working with fuzzy logic
Representing states with numerical values: Markov system
Making decisions with goal-oriented behaviors
Chapter 4. Coordination and Tactics
Handling formations
Extending A* for coordination: A*mbush
Creating good waypoints
Analyzing waypoints by height
Analyzing waypoints by cover and visibility
Exemplifying waypoints for decision making
Influence maps
Improving influence with map flooding
Improving influence with convolution filters
Building a fighting circle
Chapter 5. Agent Awareness
The seeing function using a collider-based system
The hearing function using a collider-based system
The smelling function using a collider-based system
The seeing function using a graph-based system
The hearing function using a graph-based system
The smelling function using a graph-based system
Creating awareness in a stealth game
Chapter 6. Board Games AI
Working with the game-tree class
Introducing Minimax
AB Negamaxing
Implementing a tic-tac-toe rival
Implementing a checkers rival
Chapter 7. Learning Techniques
Predicting actions with an N-Gram predictor
Improving the predictor: Hierarchical N-Gram
Learning to use Naïve Bayes classifiers
Learning to use decision trees
Learning to use reinforcement
Learning to use artificial neural networks
Creating emergent particles using a harmony search
Chapter 8. Miscellaneous
Handling random numbers better
Building an air-hockey rival
Devising a table-football competitor
Creating mazes procedurally
Implementing a self-driving car
Managing race difficulty using a rubber-banding system