更新时间:2021-08-06 19:29:24
Learning SaltStack
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Chapter 1. Diving In – Our First Salt Commands
Introducing Salt
Installing Salt
Configuring Salt
A game of ping pong
Masterless Salt
Chapter 2. Controlling Your Minions with Remote Execution
The structure of a remote execution command
Chapter 3. Execution Modules – Write Your Own Solution
Exploring the source
An advanced example
Chapter 4. Defining the State of Your Infrastructure
Our first state
The pieces of a state declaration
Expanding to encompass multiple pieces of state
Dependencies using requisites
Chapter 5. Expanding Our States with Jinja2 and Pillar
Adding a new minion
Defining secure minion-specific data in pillar
Chapter 6. The Highstate and Environments
The highstate
Storing our states in Git with GitFS
Chapter 7. Using Salt Cloud to Manage Virtual Minions
Setting up Salt Cloud
Managing groups of VMs with map files
Chapter 8. The Reactor and the Event System
The Salt event system
Reacting to events