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Chapter 1. Introducing the Beagle Boards
The Beagle board family
The Beagle boards
Summary of the Beagle board family
Congratulations on selecting a BeagleBone board
Unboxing and powering up your BeagleBone
The Windows configuration
The Linux configuration
Useful PC software for your BeagleBone
Accessing the BeagleBone
Useful accessories
Chapter 2. Software in the BeagleBone
System software in the BeagleBone
Distributions on the BeagleBone
Installing a distribution in the BeagleBone
Nonsystem software in the BeagleBone
Chapter 3. Building an LED Flasher
Setting up a foundation for the exercises
Hello World for the BeagleBone
Flashing the LEDs
Using the controls in a program
Chapter 4. Refining the LED Flasher
The I2C bus
The I2C devices on the BeagleBone
User interfaces
Loading your first web page
Chapter 5. Connecting the BeagleBone to Mobile Devices
Mobile devices
Connectivity options
Full network connection options
Protocol-specific connectivity
Mobile device connections
Carrier limitations
Bluetooth wireless technology
BLE options
Near Field Communication and the BeagleBone
Chapter 6. Recovering from the Mistakes
Symptoms of the mistakes
Troubleshooting the BeagleBone
Repairing the BeagleBone
Chapter 7. Interfacing with the BeagleBone
Electrical engineering in a nutshell
Expansion headers
Connecting LEDs to the BeagleBone
Controlling relay with a BeagleBone
Connecting switches to the BeagleBone
I2C/SPI on the BeagleBone expansion connector
Chapter 8. Advanced Software Topics
The BeagleBone programming with the C and Linux APIs
User space versus kernel space on the BeagleBone
Kernel drivers on the BeagleBone
Device trees on the BeagleBone
Pinmuxing on the BeagleBone
Figuring out the pinmux on the BeagleBone
The BeagleBone and real-time performance
Chapter 9. Expansion Boards and Options
The BeagleBone capes
USB devices on the BeagleBone
Appendix A. The Boot Process
What happens when the power is turned on
Linux and beyond
Alternative boot uses
Appendix B. Terms and Definitions