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Chapter 1. Dynamic Access to JSF Application Data through Expression Language (EL 3.0)
EL syntax
EL immediate and deferred evaluation
EL value expressions
EL method expressions
The conditional text in JSF
Writing a custom EL resolver
EL 3.0 overview
Chapter 2. Communication in JSF
Passing and getting parameters
Managed bean communication
Chapter 3. JSF Scopes – Lifespan and Use in Managed Beans Communication
JSF scopes versus CDI scopes
The request scope
The session scope
The view scope
The application scope
The conversation scope
The flow scope
Dependent pseudo-scope
The none scope
The custom scope
Managed bean instantiation
Beans injection
Chapter 4. JSF Configurations Using XML Files and Annotations – Part 1
JSF 2.2 new namespaces
JSF 2.2 programmatic configuration
Configuring managed beans in XML
Working with multiple configuration files
Configuring locales and resource bundles
Configuring validators and converters
Configuring navigation
Configuring action listeners
Configuring system event listeners
Configuring phase listeners
Working with @ListenerFor and @ListenersFor
Chapter 5. JSF Configurations Using XML Files and Annotations – Part 2
Configuring resource handlers
Configuring the view handler
Overriding JSF renders
Working with client behavior functionality
JSF factories
Combined power of multiple factories
Chapter 6. Working with Tabular Data
Creating a simple JSF table
The CollectionDataModel class of JSF 2.2
Sorting tables
Deleting a table row
Editing/updating a table row
Adding a new row
Displaying row numbers
Selecting a single row
Selecting multiple rows
Nesting tables
Paginating tables
Generating tables with the JSF API
Filtering tables
Styling tables
Chapter 7. JSF and AJAX
A brief overview of the JSF-AJAX lifecycle
A simple JSF-AJAX example to get started
The JSF-AJAX attributes
Grouping components under <f:ajax> tag
Updating input fields with AJAX after validation error
Mixing AJAX and flow scope
Postback and AJAX
Is it a non-AJAX request?
AJAX and <f:param>
Queue control for AJAX requests
Explicit loading of jsf.js
AJAX and the progress bar/indicator
Chapter 8. JSF 2.2 – HTML5 and Upload
Working with HTML5 and JSF 2.2
JSF 2.2 upload feature
Chapter 9. JSF State Management
JSF saving the view state
JSF 2.2 is stateless
JSF security notes