第5章 成功的DNA密码 (4)
1. Well, if you’re__ most people, you’ll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort__ out. Then you will spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, waiting for everything to go__ all over again.
2. This is crazy, because you’re only young__and you’re__ old twice. Who knows what fantastic things are in store just around the__ ?
3. After all, the world is full of amazing discoveries, things you can’t even__ now. There are delicious, happy sniffs and scrumptious snacks to__. Hey, you might end up fabulously rich or even become a huge superstar (one day).__ good, doesn’t it?
1. 忧郁、烦躁的日子里,你会觉得自己仿佛漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。
2. 把生活中的每一天都当做生命的末日,因为它迟早会来的。
3. 勇敢地走出这一步并努力去做好它。毕竟,生活不就是这样吗?
1. Days when you feel small and insignificant, when everything seems just out of reach.
out of reach:够不着
2. ...and everyone in the office is driving you crazy.
drive sb. crazy:让人发疯;逼疯
First, Be a Man
奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden
Rousseau says, “According to the order of nature, men being equal, their common vocation is the profession of humanity; and whoever is well educated to discharge the duty of a man cannot be badly prepared to fill any of those offices that have a relation to him. It matters little to me whether my pupil be designed for the army, the pulpit, or the bar. To live is the profession I would teach him. When I have done with him, it is true he will be neither a soldier, a lawyer, nor a divine. Let him first be a man. Fortune may remove him from one rank to another, as he pleases, he will be always found in his place.”
“First of all,” replied the boy James A. Garfield, when asked what he meant to be, “I must make myself a man; if I do not succeed in that, I can succeed in nothing.”
One great need of the world today is for men and women who are good animals. To endure the strain of our concentrated civilization, the coming man and woman must have an excess of animal spirits. They must have a robustness of health. Mere absence of disease is not health. It is the overflowing fountain, not the one half full, that gives life and beauty to the valley below. Only he is healthy who exults in mere animal existence; whose very life is a luxury; who feels a bounding pulse throughout his body; who feels life in every limb, as dogs do when scouring over the field, or as boys do when gliding over fields of ice.
Dispense with the doctor by being temperate; the lawyer by keeping out of debt; the demagogue, by voting for honest men; and poverty, by being industrious.
A man is never so happy as when he suffices to himself, and can walk without crutches or a guide.
“The body of an athlete and the soul of a sage,” wrote Voltaire to Helvetius, “these are what we require to be happy.”
In the professions, it is true, we find greater skill and faithfulness, but usually they have been developed at the expense of mental and moral breadth.
The merely professional man is narrow; worse than that, he is in a sense an artificial man, a creature of technicalities and specialties, removed alike from the broad truth of nature and from the healthy influence of human converse. In society, the most accomplished man of mere professional skill is often a nullity; he has sunk his personality in his dexterity.
As Nature tries every way to induce us to obey her laws by rewarding their observance with health, pleasure and happiness, and punishes their violation by pain and disease, so she resorts to every means to induce us to expand and develop the great possibilities she has implanted within us. She nerves us to the struggle, beneath which all great blessings are buried, and beguiles the tedious marches by holding up before us glittering prizes, which we may almost touch, but never quite possess. She covers up her ends of discipline by trial, of character building through suffering by throwing a splendor and glamour over the future; lest the hard, dry facts of the present dishearten us, and she fails in her great purpose. As a mother teaches her baby to walk, by holding up a toy at a distance, not that the child may reach the toy, but that it may develop its muscles and strength, compared with which the toys are mere baubles; so Nature goes before us through life, tempting us with higher and higher toys, but ever with one object in view—the development of the man.