I Believe 我相信
For my part,in the 25 years since my Harvard graduation,I have come to believe in hope over despair,striving over resignation,faith over cynicism.
I believe in the power of knowledge to make the world a better place.Cynics may say: Human beings have never learned anything from history.All that is truly useful about knowledge is that it can provide you with advantages over the pack.But the cynics are wrong: we have the capacity to learn from our mistakes and transcend our past.Indeed,in this very place we have been taught that truth —Veritas—can set us free.
I believe in finding fulfillment in family,for the family is the true center of a meaningful life.Cynics may say: All families are confining and ultimately dysfunctional.The very idea of family is outdated and unworkable.But the cynics are wrong: it is in our families that we learn to love.
I believe in working to achieve social justice and freedom for all.Cynics may scorn this notion as naive,claiming that all our efforts for equal opportunity,for justice,for freedom have created only a wasteland of failed hopes.But the cynics are wrong: freedom is our destiny; justice is our guide; we shall overcome.
I believe in protecting the Earth's environment against an unprecedented onslaught.Cynics may laugh out loud and say there is no utility in a stand of thousand year old trees,a fresh breeze,or a mountain stream.But the cynics are wrong: we are part of God's earth not separate from it.
I believe in you,all of you here,individually and as a group.The cynics say you are motivated principally by greed and that ultimately you will care for nothing other than yourselves.But the cynics are wrong.You are care about each other,you cherish freedom,you treasure justice,you seek truth.
In the end we face a fundamental choice,cynicism or faith,each equally capable of taking root in our souls and shaping our lives as self fulfilling prophecies.I believe we must open our hearts to each other and build on all the vast and creative possibilities.This is a task for a confident people,which is what we have been throughout our history and what we still are in our deepest character.
I believe in our future.