3.2 Band
The band structure of a crystalline solid,that is,the energy-momentum(E-k)relationship,is usually obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation of an approximate one-electron problem. The Bloch theorem,one of the most-important theorems basic to band structure,states that if a potential energy V(r)is periodic in the direct lattice space,then the solutions for the wave function ψ(r,k)of the Schrodinger equation
are of the form of a Bloch function
ψ(r,k)=exp(jk·r)Ub(r,k)) (3.4)
Here b is the band index,ψ(r,k)and Ub(r,k)are periodic in R of the direct lattice.
From the Bloch theorem one can also show that the energy E(k)is periodic in the reciprocal lattice. For a given band index,to label the energy uniquely,it is sufficient to use only k’s in a primitive cell of the reciprocal lattice. The standard convention is to use the Wigner-Seitz cell in the reciprocal lattice. This cell is the Brillouin zone or the first Brillouin zone. It is thus evident that we can reduce any momentum k in the reciprocal space to a point inside the Brillouin zone,where any energy state can be given a label in the reduced zone schemes.
For any semiconductor there is a forbidden energy range in which allowed states cannot exist. Energy regions or energy bands are permitted above and below this energy gap. The upper bands are called the conduction bands;the lower bands,the valence bands . The separation between the energy of the lowest conduction band and that of the highest valence band is called the bandgapor energy gap Eg,which is one of the most-important parameters in semiconductor physics.