Reading Materials
So-called ‘forward on voltage’
In the forward direction,the current rises very rapidly but smoothly as shown in Fig.7.4(a),and there is no real ‘forward on voltage ’ as sometimes assumed in books on circuit theory. However,as Fig.7.6 shows,in strong forward bias,the diode voltage varies rather little over a wide current range.

Fig.7.6 The current-voltage characteristic.
For example,a diode designed to carry a current I at,say,0.6V(i. e. eVa/kT=24)will carry a current of only 0. 001 I at 0.427 V(eVa/kT=17.1). For practical purposes the diode is ‘off’ below this voltage.
The difference in the ‘on’ voltages of Ge and Si diodes also needs explanation. Note the ‘on’ current for a Ge diode with the same applied voltage as an Si diode(e. g. 0.7V)is the same multiple of its reverse saturation current IS. Since IS is proportional to the minority carrier density,which in turn depends on n2i,the reverse saturation current of a Ge diode-and hence the forward current-is about 108 times that of an Si diode with the same doping levels. Thus a Ge diode ‘turns on’ at a lower voltage-about 0.25V is typical. Note that,to make a Si diode turn on at this voltage would need either a doping level about 108 times smaller,or an area 108 times bigger:neither is a practical proposition.
Words and Expressions
intimately adv. 密切地
terminology n. 术语
imperfection n. 不完整性,缺陷
indefinitely adv. 无限期地
interchangeably adv. 可交换地
respectively adv. 分别地
dramatically adv. 引入注目地,明显地
semilog n. 半对数
decade n. 十(进制,位)
denominator n. 分母
exponent n. 指数
square root n. 平方根
proposition n. 提议
characteristics n. 特性
operation n. 工作
celebrated adj. 著名的
profile n. 剖面
quantitative analysis 定量分析
techniques n. 技术
to allow for 考虑
to be referred to… as… 将……称为……
be depleted of … 耗尽……
be worthwhile ~ing 值得……
to prevent … from ~ing 阻止……(做……)
Glossary of Important Term
semiconductor device 半导体器件
pn junction pn结
diode 二极管
rectifier 整流器
switching circuit 开关电路
metallurgical junction 冶金结
step junction 突变结
space charge region 空间电荷区
depletion region 耗尽层
depletion-layer width 耗尽层宽度
reverse bias 反向偏置
forward bias 正向偏置
low injection 小注入
high-injection 大注入
continuity equation 连续性方程
current-voltage characteristics 伏安特性
Shockley equation 肖克莱方程
ideal diode law 理想二极管定律
saturation current 饱和电流
series resistance 串联电阻
breakdown 击穿
forward on voltage 正向导通电压
1. Translate the reading material into Chinese.
2. Draw the energy band diagram of a zero-biased,forward-biased and reverse-biased pn junction.
3. Describe why and how the space charge region is formed,and what happens to the parameters of the space charge region when a reverse bias voltage is applied.
4. What is the difference between the I-Vcharacteristics of a practical pn junction diode and the ideal pn junction?
5. Summary the main factors causing the departures of a practical pn junction diode from the ideal pn junction.
6. How to understand the so-called ‘forward on voltage’ of a pn junction?