8.4 Diffusion or Storage Capacitance
In forward bias,the excess charge stored in the neutral,or diffusion region,of the diode leads to a delay whenever an attempt is made to change the voltage across the junction. Because this region is electrically neutral,there is not only an excess of minority carriers(already shown in Fig.8.4)but also an equal excess of majority carriers,so that their charges balance and the region is neutral. All of these carriers must be re-adjusted in number when,for example,the external circuit causes an alternating voltage to appear across the diode. This results in a flow of charge in and out of the diode which is modeled by the diffusion capacitancesometimes called the storage capacitance. This small-signal capacitance can be calculated from the change ΔQ of the excess minority carrier charge Q,stored in the neutral diffusion regions of the diode,which accompanies a small change ΔV in the applied voltage.
The ΔQ charge is alternately being charged and discharged through the junction as the voltage across the junction changes.

Fig.8.4 Minority carrier concentration changes with changing forward-bias voltage.
Define Cd as the dQ/dV,and the following result can be derived
where τt is called effective transit time .
The small-signal diffusion capacitance Cd is directly proportional to the current through the junction,becoming larger than the depletion layer capacitance for all reasonable forward biases. Cd is always associated with the diode differential resistance rd,so the forward-biased diode is inevitably lossy,and can not be used as a way of making a good capacitor.

Fig.8.5 Voltage dependence of the small-signal junction capacitance Cj and the small signal diffusion capacitance Cd of a junction diode.
From the foregoing we see that the relative significance of charge storage in the space-charge region(as represented by Cj)and charge storage in the quasi-neutral regions depends strongly on the junction voltage. Under reverse bias,storage in the quasi-neutral regions is negligible and the storage represented by the junction capacitancedominates. Under forward bias,although Cj increases(because Wd decreases),the exponential factor in the formula for Cd generally makes diffusion capacitance and its associated charge storage dominant.
Fig.8.5 illustrates the voltage dependence of the Cd and Cj,showing that with a forward bias of more than a few hundred millivolts the diffusion capacitance normally dominates,and Cj is often negligible. The converse applies for reverse bias voltages.