The Olympic Games is the human's celebration. The London Olympic Games became a great view once again,there was scream and glory but also failure and sigh in it. Justice and wrong judge and inactive match also appeared in this Olympic Games. Several sports industry corporation were finding their profits and different culture and politics also contended each other. The Olympic Games is symbol of global sport,all the people throughout the world are watching the same match and cheering together,but nationalism even terrorism also found their arena stage in it. See through the appearance to perceive the essence,the research work of dynamic、content、process will be very important to the study of global sport.Using literature analyses,interviews,case studies and logic analyses,the author builds up a dynamic system of sports globalization,and further analyzes the different characters of sport globalization in different history period. In the end,the dissertation gives suggestions on the trend of sports globalization,a global sport culture comes in to being which is diminishing contrasts,increasing varieties. The present study is of great importance on the inheritance and innovation of the traditional sports,on the guidance of the development of mass sports,competitive sports,sport industry,media-sport and regional sports. The conclusions of the study are as follows.
(1) The dynamic of sport globalization is the result of resistance and replication,collision and amalgamation between the global culture and the conventional culture. As to the course of western modern sport diffused throughout the world,it is necessary to study the transformation of conventional culture according to the era character,and we should pay enough attention to the conventional culture's resistance and collision,so that we could grasp the whole course of sport globalization,find the sustainable strategy for the conventional sport culture.
(2) When it comes to the study of globalization,we usually look the human throughout the world as a whole,and give enough attention to research of community development. The result of community development is uncertain. The core factor of community development and systematism is the labour function and the difference of class. So process sociology gives enough attention to the course of power distribution and systematism,the main factor which drove the globalization came from the course of power distribution and systematism. With the development of labour function,the people in the world are united more and more closely,the western sport culture diffused throughout the world,but it also was impacted and modulated. In this way,the contrasts in global sport culture diminishing and varieties increasing,so a multiplex global sport culture in comes into being.
(3) When we study the dynamic system of sport globalization from the relation among sportization,civilization course and globalization,the modern sport developed in the industrialized course and civilization which were based on the restriction on emotion and pursuit on the rationalism. The dynamic system of global sport includes the following factor:the pursuit of excitement,self-fulfillment and nationalism,and the profit of multinational. The dynamic system ran through the whole collision and amalgamation between global and conventional culture,changed with the sport living styles,and formed a multiplex global sport culture.
(4) There are four practical factors in the global field:the global migrant labour,the global sport industry,the global media-sport complex and the identity in sport globalization. During the diffusion of western modern sport,the collision and amalgamation occurred in ware,system and ideology level in the people's living styles. Global function brought global labour migrant,global production and global consume,but also brought the problems such as labour right and moral ethic. In the global media-sport complex,the sport union,the multinational sport corporation and the global are organized into a complex,these organizations are apparent partnership,in fact these organizations set clear strategies for commercial objectives,set limits and exert powerful pressures on aspects of the production and consumption of the national sporting mythology. In the consumer society,the national sporting mythology kept being merchandised;the identity of conventional sporting culture is also suffering a complicated change.
(5) We can study the course of globalization in this way:the western culture spokesman try to control and regulate the content and direction of global cultural wave,but the nonwestern people not only resist the control but also keep spreading their own cultural conducts. In this course,resistance and replication,collision and amalgamation all happen;a multiplex global sport culture comes into being.
The globalization of sport takes on multilayer view,the control power between conventional culture and global culture changes in different period:at first,the western culture was more powerful than the nonwestern culture,because the western culture was scientific and rational,it was advanced,the non-westerners learned from western culture eagerly,sometime forgot their own culture,but now the non-westerners found the merits of their culture and tried to spread their culture. The western culture is more powerful in the global culture at present,but there emerged some new kinds of sport such as terminal sport,and there usually were new ideas and organizes in these terminal sport,now the global sport culture is getting more and more complicated. Media-sport ran across the bourn of nation country,and a more complicated culture emerged,developed in a certain automatically way in the world.
Key words: sport; globalization; living style; course; conflict;amalgamation