She was fair as the lily, but sorrow had nipped the rose in her cheek before it was half blown. Her eyes were blue; and her hair, which was light brown, was slightly confined under a plain muslin cap, tied round with a black ribbon; a white linen gown and plain lawn handkerchief composed the remainder of her dress;and in this simple attire, she was more irresistibly charming to such a heart as Temple's, than she would have been, if adorned with all the splendor of a courtly belle.
When they entered, the old man arose from his seat, and shaking Blakeney by the hand with great cordiality, offered Temple his chair;and there being but three in the room, seated himself on the side of his little bed with evident composure.
"This is a strange place," said he to Temple, "to receive visitors of distinction in; but we must fit our feelings to our station.
While I am not ashamed to own the cause which brought me here, why should I blush at my situation? Our misfortunes are not our faults;and were it not for that poor girl--"
Here the philosopher was lost in the father. He rose hastily from his seat, and walking toward the window, wiped off a tear which he was afraid would tarnish the cheek of a sailor.
Temple cast his eye on Miss Eldridge: a pellucid drop had stolen from her eyes, and fallen upon a rose she was painting.
It blotted and discoloured the flower. " 'Tis emblematic,"said he mentally: "the rose of youth and health soon fades when watered by the tear of affliction.""My friend Blakeney," said he, addressing the old man, "told me Icould be of service to you: be so kind then, dear Sir, as to point out some way in which I can relieve the anxiety of your heart and increase the pleasures of my own.""My good young man," said Eldridge, "you know not what you offer.
While deprived of my liberty I cannot be free from anxiety on my own account; but that is a trifling concern; my anxious thoughts extend to one more dear a thousand times than life:
I am a poor weak old man, and must expect in a few years to sink into silence and oblivion; but when I am gone, who will protect that fair bud of innocence from the blasts of adversity, or from the cruel hand of insult and dishonour. ""Oh, my father!" cried Miss Eldridge, tenderly taking his hand, "be not anxious on that account; for daily are my prayers offered to heaven that our lives may terminate at the same instant, and one grave receive us both; for why should I live when deprived of my only friend."Temple was moved even to tears. "You will both live many years,"said he, "and I hope see much happiness. Cheerly, my friend, cheerly;these passing clouds of adversity will serve only to make the sunshine of prosperity more pleasing. But we are losing time:
you might ere this have told me who were your creditors, what were their demands, and other particulars necessary to your liberation.""My story is short," said Mr. Eldridge, "but there are some particulars which will wring my heart barely to remember; yet to one whose offers of friendship appear so open and disinterested, I will relate every circumstance that led to my present, painful situation.
But my child," continued he, addressing his daughter, "let me prevail on you to take this opportunity, while my friends are with me, to enjoy the benefit of air and exercise.
Go, my love; leave me now; to-morrow at your usual hour I will expect you. "Miss Eldridge impressed on his cheek the kiss of filial affection, and obeyed.