Now Marsilies, is turn'ed white with ire, He breaks the seal and casts the wax aside, Looks in the brief, sees what the King did write:
"Charles commands, who holds all France by might, I bear in mind his bitter grief and ire;'Tis of Basan and 's brother Basilye, Whose heads I took on th' hill by Haltilye.
If I would save my body now alive, I must despatch my uncle the alcalyph, Charles will not love me ever otherwise."After, there speaks his son to Marsilye, Says to the King: "In madness spoke this wight.
So wrong he was, to spare him were not right;Leave him to me, I will that wrong requite."When Guenes hears, he draws his sword outright, Against the trunk he stands, beneath that pine.