第76章 XCIX(8)
No longer could he stand, for so much grief, Will he or nill, he swooned upon the field.
Said the Archbishop: "Unlucky lord, indeed!"CLXV
When the Archbishop beheld him swoon, Rollant, Never before such bitter grief he'd had;Stretching his hand, he took that olifant.
Through Rencesvals a little river ran;
He would go there, fetch water for Rollant.
Went step by step, to stumble soon began, So feeble he is, no further fare he can, For too much blood he's lost, and no strength has;Ere he has crossed an acre of the land, His heart grows faint, he falls down forwards and Death comes to him with very cruel pangs.
The count Rollanz wakes from his swoon once more, Climbs to his feet; his pains are very sore;Looks down the vale, looks to the hills above;On the green grass, beyond his companions, He sees him lie, that noble old baron;'Tis the Archbishop, whom in His name wrought God;There he proclaims his sins, and looks above;Joins his two hands, to Heaven holds them forth, And Paradise prays God to him to accord.
Dead is Turpin, the warrior of Charlon.
In battles great and very rare sermons Against pagans ever a champion.
God grant him now His Benediction!
The count Rollant sees the Archbishop lie dead, Sees the bowels out of his body shed, And sees the brains that surge from his forehead;Between his two arm-pits, upon his breast, Crossways he folds those hands so white and fair.
Then mourns aloud, as was the custom there:
"Thee, gentle sir, chevalier nobly bred, To the Glorious Celestial I commend;Neer shall man be, that will Him serve so well;Since the Apostles was never such prophet, To hold the laws and draw the hearts of men.
Now may your soul no pain nor sorrow ken, Finding the gates of Paradise open!"CLXVIII
Then Rollanz feels that death to him draws near, For all his brain is issued from his ears;He prays to God that He will call the peers, Bids Gabriel, the angel, t' himself appear.
Takes the olifant, that no reproach shall hear, And Durendal in the other hand he wields;Further than might a cross-bow's arrow speed Goes towards Spain into a fallow-field;Climbs on a cliff; where, under two fair trees, Four terraces, of marble wrought, he sees.
There he falls down, and lies upon the green;He swoons again, for death is very near.
High are the peaks, the trees are very high.
Four terraces of polished marble shine;
On the green grass count Rollant swoons thereby.
A Sarrazin him all the time espies, Who feigning death among the others hides;Blood hath his face and all his body dyed;He gets afoot, running towards him hies;
Fair was he, strong and of a courage high;A mortal hate he's kindled in his pride.
He's seized Rollant, and the arms, were at his side, "Charles nephew," he's said, "here conquered lies.
To Araby I'll bear this sword as prize."
As he drew it, something the count descried.
So Rollant felt his sword was taken forth, Opened his eyes, and this word to him spoke "Thou'rt never one of ours, full well I know."Took the olifant, that he would not let go, Struck him on th' helm, that jewelled was with gold, And broke its steel, his skull and all his bones, Out of his head both the two eyes he drove;Dead at his feet he has the pagan thrown:
After he's said: "Culvert, thou wert too bold, Or right or wrong, of my sword seizing hold!
They'll dub thee fool, to whom the tale is told.
But my great one, my olifant I broke;
Fallen from it the crystal and the gold."CLXXI
Then Rollanz feels that he has lost his sight, Climbs to his feet, uses what strength he might;In all his face the colour is grown white.
In front of him a great brown boulder lies;Whereon ten blows with grief and rage he strikes;The steel cries out, but does not break outright;And the count says: "Saint Mary, be my guide Good Durendal, unlucky is your plight!
I've need of you no more; spent is my pride!
We in the field have won so many fights, Combating through so many regions wide That Charles holds, whose beard is hoary white!
Be you not his that turns from any in flight!
A good vassal has held you this long time;Never shall France the Free behold his like."CLXXII
Rollant hath struck the sardonyx terrace;The steel cries out, but broken is no ways.
So when he sees he never can it break, Within himself begins he to complain:
"Ah! Durendal, white art thou, clear of stain!
Beneath the sun reflecting back his rays!
In Moriane was Charles, in the vale, When from heaven God by His angel bade Him give thee to a count and capitain;Girt thee on me that noble King and great.
I won for him with thee Anjou, Bretaigne, And won for him with thee Peitou, the Maine, And Normandy the free for him I gained, Also with thee Provence and Equitaigne, And Lumbardie and all the whole Romaigne, I won Baivere, all Flanders in the plain, Also Burguigne and all the whole Puillane, Costentinnople, that homage to him pays;In Saisonie all is as he ordains;
With thee I won him Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England also, where he his chamber makes;Won I with thee so many countries strange That Charles holds, whose beard is white with age!
For this sword's sake sorrow upon me weighs, Rather I'ld die, than it mid pagans stay.
Lord God Father, never let France be shamed!"CLXXIII
Rollant his stroke on a dark stone repeats, And more of it breaks off than I can speak.
The sword cries out, yet breaks not in the least, Back from the blow into the air it leaps.
Destroy it can he not; which when he sees, Within himself he makes a plaint most sweet.
"Ah! Durendal, most holy, fair indeed!
Relics enough thy golden hilt conceals:
Saint Peter's Tooth, the Blood of Saint Basile, Some of the Hairs of my Lord, Saint Denise, Some of the Robe, was worn by Saint Mary.
It is not right that pagans should thee seize, For Christian men your use shall ever be.
Nor any man's that worketh cowardice!
Many broad lands with you have I retrieved Which Charles holds, who hath the great white beard;Wherefore that King so proud and rich is he."CLXXIV