第84章 CXCV
Horses they leave under an olive tree, Which by the reins two Sarrazins do lead;Those messengers have wrapped them in their weeds, To the palace they climb the topmost steep.
When they're come in, the vaulted roof beneath, Marsilium with courtesy they greet:
"May Mahumet, who all of us doth keep, And Tervagan, and our lord Apoline Preserve the, king and guard from harm the queen!"Says Bramimunde "Great foolishness I hear:
Those gods of ours in cowardice are steeped;In Rencesvals they wrought an evil deed, Our chevaliers they let be slain in heaps;My lord they failed in battle, in his need, Never again will he his right hand see;For that rich count, Rollanz, hath made him bleed.
All our whole Spain shall be for Charles to keep.
Miserable! What shall become of me?
Alas! That I've no man to slay me clean!"AOI.