第71章 Chapter 11(6)
'This man is cut and bruised all over.I go about to cure him,'Kim retorted.'None interfered between thy babe and me.'
'I am rebuked,'said the Kamboh meekly.'I am thy debtor for the life of my son.Thou art a miracle-worker -I know it.'
'Show me the cuts.'Kim bent over the Mahratta's neck,his heart nearly choking him;for this was the Great Game with a vengeance.'Now,tell thy tale swiftly,brother,while I say a charm.'
'I come from the South,where my work lay.One of us they slew by the roadside.Hast thou heard?'Kim shook his head.He,of course,knew nothing of E23's predecessor,slain down South in the habit of an Arab trader.
'Having found a certain letter which I was sent to seek,I came away.Iescaped from the city and ran to Mhow.So sure was I that none knew,Idid not change my face.At Mhow a woman brought charge against me of theft of jewellery in that city which I had left.Then I saw the cry was out against me.I ran from Mhow by night,bribing the police,who had been bribed to hand me over without question to my enemies in the South.Then I lay in old Chitor city a week,a penitent in a temple,but I could not get rid of the letter which was my charge.I buried it under the Queen's Stone,at Chitor,in the place known to us all.'
Kim did not know,but not for worlds would he have broken the thread.
'At Chitor,look you,I was all in Kings'country;for Kotah to the east is beyond the Queen's law,and east again lie Jaipur and Gwalior.
Neither love spies,and there is no justice.I was hunted like a wet jackal;but I broke through at Bandakui,where I heard there was a charge against me of murder in the city I had left -of the murder of a boy.They have both the corpse and the witnesses waiting.'
'But cannot the Government protect?'
'We of the Game are beyond protection.If we die,we die.Our names are blotted from the book.That is all.At Bandakui,where lives one of Us,I thought to slip the scent by changing my face,and so made me a Mahratta.
Then I came to Agra,and would have turned back to Chitor to recover the letter.So sure I was I had slipped them.Therefore I did not send a tar [telegram]to any one saying where the letter lay.I wished the credit of it all.'
Kim nodded.He understood that feeling well.
'But at Agra,walking in the streets,a man cried a debt against me,and approaching with many witnesses,would hale me to the courts then and there.Oh,they are clever in the South!He recognized me as his agent for cotton.May he burn in Hell for it!'
'And wast thou?'
'O fool!I was the man they sought for the matter of the letter!I ran into the Fleshers'Ward and came out by the House of the Jew,who feared a riot and pushed me forth.I came afoot to Somna Road -I had only money for my tikkut to Delhi -and there,while I lay in a ditch with a fever,one sprang out of the bushes and beat me and cut me and searched me from head to foot.Within earshot of the te-rain it was!'
'Why did he not slay thee out of hand?'
'They are not so foolish.If I am taken in Delhi at the instance of lawyers,upon a proven charge of murder,my body is handed over to the State that desires it.I go back guarded,and then -I die slowly for an example to the rest of Us.The South is not my country.I run in circles -like a goat with one eye.I have not eaten for two days.I am marked'
-he touched the filthy bandage on his leg -'so that they will know me at Delhi.'
'Thou art safe in the te-rain ,at least.'
'Live a year at the Great Game and tell me that again!The wires will be out against me at Delhi,describing every tear and rag upon me.Twenty -a hundred,if need be -will have seen me slay that boy.And thou art useless!'
Kim knew enough of native methods of attack not to doubt that the case would be deadly complete -even to the corpse.The Mahratta twitched his fingers with pain from time to time.The Kamboh in his corner glared sullenly;the lama was busy over his beads;and Kim,fumbling doctor-fashion at the man's neck,thought out his plan between invocations.
'Hast thou a charm to change my shape?Else I am dead.Five -ten minutes alone,if I had not been so pressed,and I might -'
'Is he cured yet,miracle-worker?'said the Kamboh jealously.'Thou hast chanted long enough.'
'Nay.There is no cure for his hurts,as I see,except he sit for three days in the habit of a bairagi .'This is a common penance,often imposed on a fat trader by his spiritual teacher.
'One priest always goes about to make another priest,'was the retort.
Like most grossly superstitious folk,the Kamboh could not keep his tongue from deriding his Church.
'Will thy son be a priest,then?It is time he took more of my quinine.'
'We Jats are all buffaloes,'said the Kamboh,softening anew.
Kim rubbed a finger-tip of bitterness on the child's trusting little lips.'I have asked for nothing,'he said sternly to the father,'except food.Dost thou grudge me that?I go to heal another man.Have I thy leave -Prince?'
Up flew the man's huge paws in supplication.'Nay -nay.Do not mock me thus.'
'It pleases me to cure this sick one.Thou shalt acquire merit by aiding.
What colour ash is there in thy pipe-bowl?White.That is auspicious.Was there raw turmeric among thy foodstuffs?'
'I -I -'
'Open thy bundle!'
It was the usual collection of small oddments:bits of cloth,quack medicines,cheap fairings,a clothful of atta -greyish,rough-ground native flour -twists of down-country tobacco,tawdry pipe-stems,and a packet of curry-stuff;all wrapped in a quilt.Kim turned it over with the air of a wise warlock,muttering a Mohammedan invocation.
'This is wisdom I learned from the Sahibs,'he whispered to the lama;and here,when one thinks of his training at Lurgan's,he spoke no more than the truth.'There is a great evil in this man's fortune,as shown by the Stars,which -which troubles him.Shall I take it away?'
'Friend of the Stars,thou hast done well in all things.Let it be at thy pleasure.Is it another healing?'
'Quick!Be quick!'gasped the Mahratta.'The train may stop.'