The Bomb
Tom Swift and Mr.Titus withdrew a little way down the corridor, around a bulkhead and out of sight of any one who might look out from the stateroom whence had come the appeal for help.But, at the same time, they could keep watch over it.
"I tell you Waddington is in there!" insisted Mr.Titus, hoarsely whispering.
"Well, perhaps he may be," admitted Tom."But several times I have seen the bearded man going in there, and it's only a single stateroom, for it's so marked on the deck plan.""Waddington might be disguised with a false beard, Tom.""Yes, he might.But did the man who just now looked out have a beard?""I couldn't tell, as I saw only the upper part of his face.But those were Waddington's shifty eyes, I'm positive.""If Waddington were on board don't you suppose you would have seen him before this?""Not positively, no.If he and the bearded man are one and the same that would account for it.But I haven't noticed the bearded man once since he came aboard in such a hurry.""Nor have I, now that I come to think of it," Tom admitted."However, there is an easy way to prove who is in there.""How?"
"We'll knock on the door and go in." "Perhaps he won't let us.""He'll think it's the steward he called for.Come, you know Waddington better than I do.You knock and go in.""I don't know Waddington very well," admitted the contractor."I have only seen him a few times, but I am sure that was he.But what shall I do when he sees I'm not the steward?""Tell him you have sent for one.I'll go with the message, so it will be true enough.Even if you have only a momentary glance at him in close quarters you ought to be able to tell whether or not he has on a false beard, and whether or not it is Waddington."Mr.Titus considered for a moment, and then he said:
"Yes, I guess that is a good plan.You go for the steward, Tom, and I'll see if I can get in that stateroom.But I'm sure I'm not mistaken.I'll find Waddington in there, perhaps in the person of the bearded man, disguised.Or else they are using a single stateroom as a double one." And while Tom went off down the pitching and rolling corridor to find a steward, Mr.Titus, not without some apprehension, advanced to knock on the door of the suspect.
"If it is Waddington he'll know me at once, of course," thought the contractor, "and there may be a row.Well, I can't help it.The success of my brother and myself depends on finishing that tunnel, and we can't have Waddington, and those whose tool he is, interfering.Here goes!"He tapped on the door, and a faint voice called: "Come in!"The contractor entered, and saw the bearded man lying in his berth.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" asked the contractor, bending close over the man.He wanted to see if the beard were false.Somewhat to his surprise the contractor saw that undoubtedly it was real.
"Steward, will you kindly get me--Oh, you're not the steward!" the bearded man exclaimed.
"No, my friend and I heard you call," replied the contractor."He has gone for the steward, who will be here soon.Can I do anything for you in the meanwhile?""No--not a thing!" was the rather snappish answer, and the man turned his face away."I beg your pardon," he went on, as if conscious that he had acted rudely, "but I am suffering very much.The steward knows just what I want.I have had these attacks before.I am a poor sailor.If you will send the steward to me I will be obliged to you.He can fix me up.""Very well," assented Mr.Titus."But if there is anything I can do --" At that moment footsteps and voices were heard in the corridor, and asthe door of the bearded man's stateroom was opened, Mr.Titus had a glimpse of Tom and one of the stewards.
"Yes, I'll look after him," the steward said "He's been this way before.Thank you, sir, for calling me.""I guess the steward has been well tipped," thought Tom.As Mr.Titus came out and the door was shut, the young inventor asked in a whisper"Well, was it be?"
The contractor shook his head.