With a reassuring smile the visitor from Washington looked at Tom Swift.
"The government officials," he said, "know more than some people give them credit for--especially in these war times.Our intelligence bureau and secret service has been much enlarged of late.But don't be alarmed, Mr.Swift," went on the caller, whose name was Mr.Blair Terrill."Your secret is safe with the government, but I think the time is ripe to use it now--that is, if you have perfected it to a point where we can use it.""Yes," answered Tom slowly, "the invention is practically finished and it is a success, except for a few minor matters that will not take long to complete.
"Our accident this afternoon had nothing to do with the efficiency of the silencer," Tom went on."It was deliberately damaged by some spy.I'll take that up later.That I am interested to know how you heard of my Air Scout, as I call it.""Well, we have agents, you know, watching all the inventors who have helped us in times past, and we haven't forgotten your giant cannon or big searchlight.I might say, to end your curiosity and lull your suspicions, that your friend, Ned Newton, who has been doing such good Liberty Bond work, informed us of your progress on the silent motor.""Oh, so it was Ned!" exclaimed Tom.
"Yes.He told us the time was about ripe for us to make you an offer for your machine.I think we can use it to great advantage in scout work on the western front," went on the agent, and he soon convinced Tom that when it came to a knowledge of airships, he had some very pertinent facts at his disposal.
"When can you give me a test?" Mr.Terrill asked Tom.
"As soon as I can get my craft back to the shop and fit on a new outer case.That won't take long, as I have some spare ones.But I must help the Nestors," he went on, speaking to his father."I didn't mention it over thewire," he added, "but we've found in the cabin a clew to the missing man.I must tell Mary and her mother, and help them all I can.""And allow me to help, too," begged Mr.Terrill."Since this affects you, Mr.Swift, and since you are, in a way, working for Uncle Sam, you must let him help you.This is the first I have heard of the missing gentleman, of whom your father just told me something, but you must allow me to help search for him.I will get the United States Secret Service at work.""That will be fine!" cried Tom."I wanted to get their aid, but I didn't see how I could, as I knew they were too busy with army matters and tracing seditious alien enemies, to bother with private cases.I'm sure the Secret Service men can get trace of the persons responsible for the detention of Mr.Nestor, wherever he is.""They'll do their best," said Mr.Terrill."I'm a member of that body," he went on, "and I'll give my personal attention to the matter."Then followed a busy time.Tom did not get to bed until nearly morning.For he had to arrange to send some of his men to guard the stranded airship, and then he went to see Mary and her mother, taking them the good news that the search for Mr.Nestor would be prosecuted with unprecedented vigor.
"If it isn't too late!" sadly said the missing man's wife."Oh, I'm sure it isn't !" declared Tom.
In addition to sending a guard to the airship, other men, some of them hastily summoned from the nearest federal agency, were sent to keep watch in the vicinity of the lonely cabin.They had orders to arrest whoever approached, and a relay of the men was provided, so that watch could be kept up night and day.Besides this, other men from the Secret Service began scouring the country around the locality of the cabin, seeking a trace of the two persons the farmer's son had seen in the automobile.
"If Mr.Nestor is to be found, they'll find him!" declared Tom Swift.
Mr.Damon, as might be expected, was very much excited and wrought up over all these happenings.
"Bless my watch chain, Tom Swift!" cried the eccentric man, "butsomething is always happening to you.And to think I wasn't along when this latest happened!""Well, you can be in at the finish," promised Tom, and it was strange how his promise was fulfilled.
Meanwhile there was much to do.During the time the Secret Service men were busy looking up clews which might lead to the finding of Mr.Nestor and keeping watch in the vicinity of the hut, Tom had his airship brought back to the hangar, and a new silencer was attached.While this work was going on the place was guarded night and day by responsible men, so there was no chance for an enemy spy to get in and do further damage.
An investigation was made of the Universal Flying Machine Company, but nothing could be proved to link them with the outrage.Gale and Ware were in Europe--ostensibly on government business, but it was said that if anything could be proved connecting them with the attempt made on Tom Swift's craft, they would be deprived of all official contracts and punished.
All this took time, and the waits were wearisome, particularly in the case of Mr.Nestor.No further trace of him was found, though every effort was made.Tom began to feel that his boast of his enemies having to get up early in the morning to get ahead of him, had been premature, to say the least.
Tom Swift worked hard on his new Air Scout.He determined there would be nothing lacking when it came to the government test, and not only did he make sure that no enemy could tamper with his machine, but he took pains to see that no inherent defect would mar the test.
Jackson and the other men helped to the best of their ability, and Mr.Swift suggested some improvements which were incorporated in the new machine.
One of the puzzles the Secret Service men had to solve was that of the connection, if any, between the men who had to do with the missing Mr.Nestor and those who had damaged Tom's airship by filing the muffler case so it was weakened and burst.That there was some connection Tom was certain, but he could not work it out, nor, so far, had the government men.