第47章 TENDRIL-BEARERS--(continued)(13)
As with a few exceptions tendrils spontaneously revolve, it may be asked,--why have they been endowed with sensitiveness?--why, when they come into contact with a stick, do they not, like twining plants, spirally wind round it? One reason may be that they are in most cases so flexible and thin, that when brought into contact with any object, they would almost certainly yield and be dragged onwards by the revolving movement.Moreover, the sensitive extremities have no revolving power as far as I have observed, and could not by this means curl round a support.With twining plants, on the other hand, the extremity spontaneously bends more than any other part; and this is of high importance for the ascent of the plant, as may be seen on a windy day.It is, however, possible that the slow movement of the basal and stiffer parts of certain tendrils, which wind round sticks placed in their path, may be analogous to that of twining plants.
But I hardly attended sufficiently to this point, and it would have been difficult to distinguish between a movement due to extremely dull irritability, from the arrestment of the lower part, whilst the upper part continued to move onwards.
Tendrils which are only three-fourths grown, and perhaps even at an earlier age, but not whilst extremely young, have the power of revolving and of grasping any object which they touch.These two capacities are generally acquired at about the same period, and both fail when the tendril is full grown.But in Cobaea and Passiflora punctata the tendrils begin to revolve in a useless manner, before they have become sensitive.In the Echinocystis they retain their sensitiveness for some time after they have ceased to revolve and after they have sunk downwards; in this position, even if they were able to seize an object, such power would be of no service in supporting the stem.It is a rare circumstance thus to detect any superfluity or imperfection in the action of tendrils--organs which are so excellently adapted for the functions which they have to perform; but we see that they are not always perfect, and it would be rash to assume that any existing tendril has reached the utmost limit of perfection.
Some tendrils have their revolving motion accelerated or retarded, in moving to or from the light; others, as with the Pea, seem indifferent to its action; others move steadily from the light to the dark, and this aids them in an important manner in finding a support.
For instance, the tendrils of Bignonia capreolata bend from the light to the dark as truly as a wind-vane from the wind.In the Eccremocarpus the extremities alone twist and turn about so as to bring their finer branches and hooks into close contact with any dark surface, or into crevices and holes.
A short time after a tendril has caught a support, it contracts with some rare exceptions into a spire; but the manner of contraction and the several important advantages thus gained have been discussed so lately, that nothing need here be repeated on the subject.Tendrils soon after catching a support grow much stronger and thicker, and sometimes more durable to a wonderful degree; and this shows how much their internal tissues must be changed.Occasionally it is the part which is wound round a support which chiefly becomes thicker and stronger; I have seen, for instance, this part of a tendril of Bignonia aequinoctialis twice as thick and rigid as the free basal part.Tendrils which have caught nothing soon shrink and wither; but in some species of Bignonia they disarticulate and fall off like leaves in autumn.
Any one who had not closely observed tendrils of many kinds would probably infer that their action was uniform.This is the case with the simpler kinds, which simply curl round an object of moderate thickness, whatever its nature may be. But the genus Bignonia shows us what diversity of action there may be between the tendrils of closely allied species.In all the nine species observed by me, the young internodes revolve vigorously; the tendrils also revolve, but in some of the species in a very feeble manner; and lastly the petioles of nearly all revolve, though with unequal power.The petioles of three of the species, and the tendrils of all are sensitive to contact.In the first-described species, the tendrils resemble in shape a bird's foot, and they are of no service to the stem in spirally ascending a thin upright stick, but they can seize firm hold of a twig or branch.When the stem twines round a somewhat thick stick, a slight degree of sensitiveness possessed by the petioles is brought into play, and the whole leaf together with the tendril winds round it.In B.unguis the petioles are more sensitive, and have greater power of movement than those of the last species; they are able, together with the tendrils, to wind inextricably round a thin upright stick; but the stem does not twine so well.B.Tweedyana has similar powers, but in addition, emits aerial roots which adhere to the wood.In B.venusta the tendrils are converted into elongated three-pronged grapnels, which move spontaneously in a conspicuous manner; the petioles, however, have lost their sensitiveness.The stem of this species can twine round an upright stick, and is aided in its ascent by the tendrils seizing the stick alternately some way above and then contracting spirally.