Jimmie Dale crossed to the boy, looked inside the other room--and his lip twitched queerly, as the sight sent a quick, hurt throb through his heart.A young woman, younger than the boy, lay on a tumble-down bed, a rag of clothing over her--her face with a deathlike pallor upon it, as she lay in what appeared to be a stupor.She was ill, critically ill; it needed no trained eye to discern a fact all too apparent to the most casual observer.The squalor, the glaring poverty here, was even more pitifully in evidence than in the other room--only here upon a chair beside the bed was a cluster of medicine bottles and a little heap of fruit.
Jimmie Dale drew back silently as the boy closed the door.
Hagan walked to the table and picked up his hat.
"I'm--I'm ready," he said brokenly."Let's go.""Just a minute," said Jimmie Dale."Tell us about it.""Twon't take long," said Hagan, trying to smile."She's my wife.
The sickness took all we had.I--I kinder got behind in the rent and things.They were going to fire us out of here--to-morrow.And there wasn't any money for the medicine, and--and the things she had to have.Maybe you wouldn't have done it--but I did.I couldn't see her dying there for the want of something a little money'd buy--and--and I couldn't"--he caught his voice in a little sob--"Icouldn't see her thrown out on the street like that.""And so," said Jimmie Dale, "instead of putting old Isaac's cash in the safe this evening when you locked up, you put it in your pocket instead--eh? Didn't you know you'd get caught?""What did it matter?" said the boy.He was twirling his misshappen hat between his fingers."I knew they'd know it was me in the morning when old Isaac found it gone, because there wasn't anybody else to do it.But I paid the rent for four months ahead to-night, and I fixed it so's she'd have medicine and things to eat.I was going to beat it before daylight myself--I"--he brushed his hand hurriedly across his cheek--"I didn't want to go--to leave her till I had to.""Well, say"--there was wonderment in Jimmie Dale's tones, and his English lapsed into ungrammatical, reassuring vernacular--"ain't that queer! Say, I'm no detective.Gee, kid, did you think I was?
Say, listen to this! I cracked old Isaac's safe half an hour ago--and I guess there won't be any idea going around that you got the money and I pulled a lemon.Say, I ain't superstitious, but it looks like luck meant you to have another chance, don't it?"The hat dropped from Hagan's hands to the floor, and he swayed a little.
"You--you ain't a dick!" he stammered."Then how'd you know about me and my name when you found the safe empty? Who told you?"A wry grimace spread suddenly over Jimmie Dale's face beneath the mask, and he swallowed hard.Jimmie Dale would have given a good deal to have been able to answer that question himself.
"Oh, that!" said Jimmie Dale."That's easy--I knew you worked there.Say, it's the limit, ain't it? Talk about your luck being in, why all you've got to do is to sit tight and keep your mouth shut, and you're safe as a church.Only say, what are you going to do about the money, now you've got a four months' start and are kind of landed on your feet?
"Do?" said the boy."I'll pay it back, little by little.I meant to.I ain't no--" He stopped abruptly.
"Crook," supplied Jimmie Dale pleasantly."Spit it right out, kid;you won't hurt my feelings none.Well, I'll tell you--you're talking the way I like to hear you--you pay that back, slide it in without his knowing it, a bit at a time, whenever you can, and you'll never hear a yip out of me; but if you don't, why it kind of looks as though I have a right to come down your street and get my share or know the reason why--eh?""Then you never get any share," said Hagan, with a catch in his voice."I pay it back as fast as I can.""Sure," said Jimmie Dale."That's right--that's what I said.Well, so long--Hagan." And Jimmie Dale had opened the door and slipped outside.
An hour later, in his dressing room in his house on Riverside Drive, Jimmie Dale was removing his coat as the telephone, a hand instrument on the table, rang.Jimmie Dale glanced at it--and leisurely proceeded to remove his vest.Again the telephone rang.
Jimmie Dale took off his curious, pocketed leather belt--as the telephone repeated its summons.He picked out the little drill he had used a short while before, and inspected it critically--feeling its point with his thumb, as one might feel a razor's blade.Again the telephone rang insistently.He reached languidly for the receiver, took it off its hook, and held it to his ear.
"Hello!" said Jimmie Dale, with a sleepy yawn."Hello! Hello! Why the deuce don't you yank a man out of bed at two o'clock in the morning and have done with it, and--eh? Oh, that you, Carruthers?""Yes," came Carruthers' voice excitedly."Jimmie, listen--listen!
The Gray Seal's come to life! He's just pulled a break on West Broadway!""Good Lord!" gasped Jimmie Dale."You don't say!"