第11章 VII(2)
Others there were,friends of neither leader,who,under stress of poverty or hatred of work,would fight with either for food and clothes;and others still,the ne'er-do-wells and outlaws,who fought by the day or month for hire.Even these were secured by one or the other faction,for Steve and old Jasper left no resource untried,knowing well that the fight,if there was one,would be fought to a quick and decisive end.The day for the leisurely feud,for patient planning,and the slow picking off of men from one side or the other,was gone.The people in the Blue Grass,who had no feuds in their own country,were trying to stop them in the mountain.Over in Breathitt,as everybody knew,soldiers had come from the "settlemints,"had arrested the leaders,and had taken them to the Blue Grass for the feared and hated ordeal of trial by a jury of "bigoted furriners."On the heels of the soldiers came a young preacher up from the Jellico hills,half "citizen,"half furriner,"with long black hair and a scar across his forehead,who was stirring up the people,it was said,"as though Satan was atter them."Over there the spirit of the feud was broken,and a good effect was already perceptible around Hazlan.In past days every pair of lips was sealed with fear,and the non-combatants left crops and homes,and moved down the river,when trouble began.
Now only the timid considered this way of escape.Steve and old Jasper found a few men who refused to enter the fight.Several,indeed,talked openly against the renewal of the feud,and somebody,it was said,had dared to hint that he would send to the Governor for aid if it should break out again.But these were rumors touching few people.
For once again,as time and time again before,one bank of the Cumberland was arrayed with mortal enmity against the other,and old Gabe sat,with shaken faith,in the door of his mill.For years he had worked and prayed for peace,and for a little while the Almighty seemed lending aid.Now the friendly grasp was loosening,and yet the miller did all he could.He begged Steve Marcum to urge Rufe to seek aid from the law when the latter came back;and Steve laughed,and asked what justice was possible for a Stetson,with a Lewallen for a judge and Braytons for a jury.The miller pleaded with old Jasper,and old Jasper pointed to the successes of his own life.
"I hev triumphed ag'in'my enemies time 'n'ag'in,"he said."The Lord air on my side,'n'I gits a better Christian ever'year."The old man spoke with the sincerity of a barbarism that has survived the dark ages,and,holding the same faith,the miller had no answer.
It was old Gabe indeed who had threatened to send to the Governor for soldiers,and this he would have done,perhaps,had there not been one hope left,and only one.A week had gone,and there was no word from Rufe Stetson.Up on Thunderstruck Knob the old Stetson mother was growing pitiably eager and restless.
Every day she slipped like a ghost through the leafless woods and in and out the cabin,kindling hatred.At every dawn or dusk she was on her porch peering through the dim light for Rufe Stetson.
Steve Marcum was ill at ease.Rome Stetson alone seemed unconcerned,and his name was on every gossiping tongue.
He took little interest and no hand in getting ready for the war.He forbade the firing of a gun till Rufe came back,else Steve should fight his fight alone.He grew sullen and morose.His old mother's look was a thorn in his soul,and he stayed little at home.He hung about the mill,and when Isom became bedfast,the big mountaineer,who had never handled anything but a horse,a plough,or a rifle,settled him-self,to the bewilderment of the Stetsons,into the boy's duties,and nobody dared question him.
Even old Gabe jested no longer.The matter was too serious.
Meanwhile the winter threw off the last slumbrous mood of autumn,as a sleeper starts from a dream.A fortnight was gone,and still no message came from the absent leader.One shore was restive,uneasy;the other confident,mocking.Between the two,Rome Stetson waited his chance at the mill.