Round the latter were twelve globes of blue crystal, supported by monsters resembling tigers.Their eyeballs were starting out of their heads like those of snails, with their dumpy loins bent they were turning round towards the background where the supreme Rabbet, the Omnifecund, the last invented, shone splendid in a chariot of ivory.
She was covered with scales, feathers, flowers, and birds as high as the waist.For earrings she had silver cymbals, which flapped against her cheeks.Her large fixed eyes gazed upon you, and a luminous stone, set in an obscene symbol on her brow, lighted the whole hall by its reflection in red copper mirrors above the door.
Matho stood a step forward; but a flag stone yielded beneath his heels and immediately the spheres began to revolve and the monsters to roar;music rose melodious and pealing, like the harmony of the planets; the tumultuous soul of Tanith was poured streaming forth.She was about to arise, as lofty as the hall and with open arms.Suddenly the monsters closed their jaws and the crystal globes revolved no more.
Then a mournful modulation lingered for a time through the air and at last died away.
"And the veil?" said Spendius.
Nowhere could it be seen.Where was it to be found? How could it be discovered? What if the priests had hidden it? Matho experienced anguish of heart and felt as though he had been deceived in his belief.
"This way!" whispered Spendius.An inspiration guided him.He drew Matho behind Tanith's chariot, where a cleft a cubit wide ran down the wall from top to bottom.
Then they penetrated into a small and completely circular room, so lofty that it was like the interior of a pillar.In the centre there was a big black stone, of semispherical shape like a tabourine; flames were burning upon it; an ebony cone, bearing a head and two arms, rose behind.
But beyond it seemed as though there were a cloud wherein were twinkling stars; faces appeared in the depths of its folds--Eschmoun with the Kabiri, some of the monsters that had already been seen, the sacred beasts of the Babylonians, and others with which they were not acquainted.It passed beneath the idol's face like a mantle, and spread fully out was drawn up on the wall to which it was fastened by the corners, appearing at once bluish as the night, yellow as the dawn, purple as the sun, multitudinous, diaphanous, sparkling light.
It was the mantle of the goddess, the holy zaimph which might not be seen.
Both turned pale.
"Take it!" said Matho at last.
Spendius did not hesitate, and leaning upon the idol he unfastened the veil, which sank to the ground.Matho laid his hand upon it; then he put his head through the opening, then he wrapped it about his body, and he spread out his arms the better to view it.
"Let us go!" said Spendius.
Matho stood panting with his eyes fixed upon the pavement.Suddenly he exclaimed:
"But what if I went to her? I fear her beauty no longer! What could she do to me? I am now more than a man.I could pass through flames or walk upon the sea! I am transported! Salammbo! Salammbo! I am your master!"His voice was like thunder.He seemed to Spendius to have grown taller and transformed.
A sound of footsteps drew near, a door opened, and a man appeared, a priest with lofty cap and staring eyes.Before he could make a gesture Spendius had rushed upon him, and clasping him in his arms had buried both his daggers in his sides.His head rang upon the pavement.
Then they stood for a while, as motionless as the corpse, listening.
Nothing could be heard but the murmuring of the wind through the half-opened door.
The latter led into a narrow passage.Spendius advanced along it, Matho followed him, and they found themselves almost immediately in the third enclosure, between the lateral porticoes, in which were the dwellings of the priests.
Behind the cells there must be a shorter way out.They hastened along.
Spendius squatted down at the edge of the fountain and washed his bloodstained hands.The women slept.The emerald vine shone.They resumed their advance.
But something was running behind them under the trees; and Matho, who bore the veil, several times felt that it was being pulled very gently from below.It was a large cynocephalus, one of those which dwelt at liberty within the enclosure of the goddess.It clung to the mantle as though it had been conscious of the theft.They did not dare to strike it, however, fearing that it might redouble its cries; suddenly its anger subsided, and it trotted close beside them swinging its body with its long hanging arms.Then at the barrier it leaped at a bound into a palm tree.
When they had left the last enclosure they directed their steps towards Hamilcar's palace, Spendius understanding that it would be useless to try to dissuade Matho.
They went by the street of the Tanners, the square of Muthumbal, the green market and the crossways of Cynasyn.At the angle of a wall a man drew back frightened by the sparkling thing which pierced the darkness.
"Hide the zaimph!" said Spendius.
Other people passed them, but without perceiving them.
At last they recognised the houses of Megara.
The pharos, which was built behind them on the summit of the cliff, lit up the heavens with a great red brightness, and the shadow of the palace, with its rising terraces, projected a monstrous pyramid, as it were, upon the gardens.They entered through the hedge of jujube-trees, beating down the branches with blows of the dagger.
The traces of the feast of the Mercenaries were everywhere still manifest.The parks were broken up, the trenches drained, the doors of the ergastulum open.No one was to be seen about the kitchens or cellars.They wondered at the silence, which was occasionally broken by the hoarse breathing of the elephants moving in their shackles, and the crepitation of the pharos, in which a pile of aloes was burning.
Matho, however, kept repeating: