Finding business slack in London, it unfortunately occurred to me to try what I could do in the country. I had heard of Maplesworth as a place largely frequented by visitors on account of the scenery, as well as by invalids in need of taking the waters; and I opened a gallery there at the beginning of the season of 1817, for fencing and pistol practice. About the visitors I had not been deceived; there were plenty of idle young gentlemen among them who might have been expected to patronize my establishment.
They showed the most barbarous indifference to the noble art of attack and defense--came by twos and threes, looked at my gallery, and never returned. My small means began to fail me.
After paying my expenses, I was really at my wits' end to find a few pounds to go on with, in the hope of better days.
One gentleman, I remember, who came to see me, and who behaved most liberally.