第128章 9th July,1838
To Mr.W.Hitchin (ENDORSED:recd.July 20,1838)MADRID,JULY 9,1838.
ON the other side I beg leave to present my account.One or two items require some explanation.
1st,Mr.Borrego's bill of 3084REALS,of which 1760are for the printing of the Basque Gospel,the remainder is for advertisements,boxes,package and freight of books to various parts of Spain,namely,to Valencia,Malaga,Santander,Corunna,etc.The original bill I shall forward as soon as it has been signed and vouched for by Messrs.O'Shea,who paid the money.
2nd,As to prison expenses,I must observe that the Government after placing me at liberty offered to indemnify me for all the expense I had incurred in prison,but I refused to accept their offer;should,however,the Committee think that I ought to have done so,they will deduct the amount.
3rd,60REALS for porterage;on receiving intelligence that my depots had been seized in various parts of the country,I thought it advisable to place my stock in Madrid in safety,and in consequence under cover of night removed it from the shop,and concealed it in portions in the houses of various friends.
In conclusion,I must beg that you will collate my present account with my last,as I am apprehensive that I may have charged the same outlay twice;the copy of my last account was lost when my papers were seized.
I make an excursion to-morrow to the rural districts of New Castile,which will probably occupy a fortnight.I have sent before me two hundred Testaments.
I remain,etc.,G.BORROW.