第158章 20th March,1839(2)
It appears to me that a glorious reform is commencing in Spain;indeed matters have lately come to my knowledge,which had they been prophesied only a year ago by the Spirit of truth itself,Ishould have experienced much difficulty in believing.You will be surprised when I tell you that in two churches of Madrid,the New Testament is regularly expounded every Sunday evening,by the respective curates,to about twenty children who attend,and who are provided with copies of the Society's edition of Madrid,1837.
The churches which I allude to are those of San Gines and Santa Cruz.Now I humbly conceive that this fact alone is more than equivalent to all the expense which the Society has incurred,in the efforts which it has hitherto made to introduce the Gospel into Spain;but be this as it may,I am certain,if I may judge by my own feelings,that it has amply recompensed me for all the anxiety and unhappiness which I underwent last year.Whenever I am now called upon to discontinue my labours in the Peninsula,I shall comply without the slightest murmur or remonstrance,my heart being filled with gratitude to the Lord for having been permitted,useless vessel as I am,to see at least some of the seed springing up which during two years I have been casting on the stony ground of the interior of Spain.
There is at present a great demand for Bibles;since the time of writing last we have sold upwards of one hundred copies.Indeed the demand is far greater than I can answer,as the books are disposed of faster than they can be bound by the man whom I employ for that purpose,and in whose secrecy and honour I have perfect confidence.Eight-and-twenty copies are at present bespoken and paid for.Many of these Bibles have found their way into the best houses in Madrid.The Marquis of Santa Coloma has a large family,but every individual of it,old or young,is now in possession of a Bible and likewise of a Testament,which,strange to say,were recommended by the chaplain of the house.One of my most zealous agents in the propagation of the Bible is an ecclesiastic.He never walks out without carrying one beneath his gown,which he offers to the first person he meets whom he thinks likely to purchase.Another excellent assistant is an elderly gentleman of Navarre,enormously rich,who is continually purchasing copies on his own account,which he,as I am told,sends into his native province,for distribution amongst his friends and the poor.
I have at present sold as many Testaments as I think Madrid will bear,for a time.I have therefore called in the greatest part of my people,and content myself with the sale of twelve or fourteen a week,for I am afraid to over-stock the market,and to bring the book into contempt by making it too common.The greatest part of those which still remain (about one thousand)I reserve for Seville,Granada,and some of the other inland cities of Andalusia,specially Jaen,the bishop of which is very favourable to us and our cause.I have likewise my eye on Ceuta,its garrison,its convicts,and singular inhabitants,half Spaniards,half Moors.To Andalusia I shall probably proceed in about three weeks.
I beg leave to call your attention to the work I sent you,and the ferocious attack which it contains against the Bible Society,and especially to the letter of the curate,which I sincerely wish you would insert in your Extracts.This publication was established and is supported by money sent by the Cardinals of Rome,and is principally directed against us.Its abuse,however,is our praise;and the world may form some judgment of what we are accomplishing in Spain by attending to some of the remarks and observations which appear in this work,and which are in all points worthy of Rome and its clan.
My respects to Mr.Josiah Forster,who I hope will have received the biography of Ripoll,the Quaker,executed at Valencia in 1826.
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