第162章 2nd May,1839(2)
But the friar did not understand her,and waxing angry anathematized her for a witch and bade her begone.She was however not to be disconcerted,and commenced singing in extemporary Castilian verse the praises of friars and religious houses in general.On departing I gave her a PESETA,upon which she burst into tears and entreated that I would write to her if I reached Seville in safety.
We did arrive at Seville in safety,and I took leave of the friar telling him that I hoped to meet him again at Philippi.I must now be brief.In a few days Antonio arrived with the horses.
Difficulties now began to show themselves.All the Testaments were stopped at the custom house,they were contained in two large chests:but I now know Spain and the Spaniards.For a few dollars I procured a FIADOR or person who engaged THAT THE CHESTS should be carried down the river and embarked at San Lucar for a foreign land.Yesterday I hired a boat and sent them down,but on the way I landed in a secure place all the Testaments which I intend for this part of the country.The chests therefore,with the copies required for Tangiers and England,with the hundred Gospels in Gitano and Basque for the Library of the Bible Society,are at present at San Lucar in the custom house,from which I expect to receive to-morrow the receipt which the authorities here demand,and which will be necessary for the security of my voucher.Indeed the whole affair,though attended with considerable trouble and expense to me,was a mere formality,as I was given to understand.
I was myself treated with the greatest politeness,and was told that my intentions were known and honoured.Late last night Antonio and myself returned from an excursion on foot,bringing beneath our cloaks,as if they were smuggled goods,a considerable number of Testaments;our path lay along the banks of the Guadalquivir,the rain poured and the river roared,and by the time we reached Seville we were wet through and covered with mud from head to foot.To-day I am laid up,being so STIFF and sore that Ican hardly move;but anything for the Gospel's sake.
It is my opinion,and I am not one of those who hazard an opinion rashly,that much may be accomplished in this place,which,though by no means the most populous and wealthy,is the most interesting town in all Spain,and stands beneath the most glorious heaven,and amidst the most delightful environs;but to effect anything,patience must be exhibited and prudence employed,and much of both.
Consider my situation here.I am in a city by nature very Levitical,as it contains within it the most magnificent and splendidly endowed cathedral of any in Spain.I am surrounded by priests and friars,who know and hate me,and who,if I commit the slightest act of indiscretion,will halloo their myrmidons against me.The press is closed to me,the libraries are barred against me,I have no one to assist me but my hired servant,no pious English families to comfort or encourage me,the British subjects here being ranker papists and a hundred times more bigoted than the Spanish themselves,the consul a RENEGADE QUAKER.Yet notwithstanding,with God's assistance I will do much,though silently,burrowing like the mole in darkness beneath the ground.
Those who have triumphed in Madrid,and in the two Castiles where the difficulties were seven times greater,are not to be dismayed by priestly frowns at Seville.All I dread is the imprudence of very excellent people,whose aim is good,but who are doing exactly what is calculated to further the views of the enemy.I wish they could be brought to see the absolute necessity of changing their system.I suppose you heard of the affair of Cadiz.
I have of late written several letters home,which I wish may have been received as they contain information which I think will be considered of importance;nevertheless as the road to France has for some time past been in the hands of the Carlists,it is very possible that they may have miscarried.I shall therefore take the liberty of telling you that about a thousand Testaments have been sold,and all the Bibles,to the amount of 463,since my return to the Peninsula.I shall be happy to receive a letter from you as soon as possible:you can direct either to my lodgings at Madrid,or to Posada de la Reyna,Calle Gimios,Sevilla.
Pray excuse this letter,it is badly written,with a bad pen and with bad ink.I am moreover sick and in pain.Present my respects to Mr.Jowett,Mr.Browne,and all friends,not forgetting Dr.
Steinkopff,to whom I shortly hope to write.