第77章 27th February,1837(1)
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.Mar.6,1837)MADRID,No.16CALLE SANT.IAGO,FEBY.27,1837.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I have received your letter of the 27th ult.
containing the resolution of the Committee,and also yours of the [17th]ult.with my account.I was exceedingly grieved at learning that poor Mr.Tarn has been removed,for he was a most worthy person,and the Bible Society will experience a severe loss in his death;but I hope and trust that eventually some one will be found worthy to succeed him.He is doubtless at present in the other world receiving the reward of his faith in this;let us pray that we may be counted worthy to join him there!
By the time these lines reach you the four Gospels will have passed through the press;for the work is going on well and prosperously,and I have little doubt that within five weeks it will be completed.I have already entered into arrangements respecting the binding with Mr.Borrego,who is about to unite bookbinding with printing;the terms are very reasonable,considering the current prices of the country,as I am to pay but three REALS per volume for a calf binding similar to that of the copy which was entrusted to me.I have reckoned that the expense of each book,printing,paper,and binding included,will but barely amount to 15REALS;and cheaper than this it is utterly impossible to bring out a work of the size of the New Testament,handsomely and creditably in Spain.
Within a few days I shall despatch letters circular to all the principal booksellers in Spain,specifying the nature,size and quality of the work,and inviting them to subscribe at 15REALS per copy,the prime cost;for if anything will tempt them to a speculation of the kind,it will be the hope and prospect of making a very handsome profit.Yet they are so short-sighted and,like all their countrymen,so utterly unacquainted with the rudiments of business,that it is by no means improbable that they,one and all,take no notice of this proposal,which is however the only plan which at present appears available for promoting the GENERALcirculation of the Scriptures.
Dr.Usoz,the gentleman who is at present assisting me in the editing of the work in question,is very anxious to become a member and a correspondent of the Bible Society.His letter on that subject I translated and transmitted previous to my last visit to England,but he has never received an answer.I beg leave to say that I am extremely desirous that his request be granted,and that he be written to without delay;and I must moreover beg to be furnished with a written or printed authority to establish a branch Bible Society in Madrid,and to nominate Dr.Usoz as secretary.