"You are so pretty,my dear;almost too young and pretty for dear Soames,aren't you?But he's very attentive and careful--such a good hush."Aunt Juley checked herself,and placed her lips just under each of Annette's eyes--she afterwards described them to Francie,who dropped in,as:"Cornflower-blue,so pretty,I quite wanted to kiss them.I must say dear Soames is a perfect connoisseur.In her French way,and not so very French either,Ithink she's as pretty--though not so distinguished,not so alluring--as Irene.Because she was alluring,wasn't she?with that white skin and those dark eyes,and that hair,couleur de--what was it?I always forget."
"Feuille morte,"Francie prompted.
"Of course,dead leaves--so strange.I remember when I was a girl,before we came to London,we had a foxhound puppy--to 'walk'it was called then;it had a tan top to its head and a white chest,and beautiful dark brown eyes,and it was a lady.""Yes,auntie,"said Francie,"but I don't see the connection.""Oh!"replied Aunt Juley,rather flustered,"it was so alluring,and her eyes and hair,you know."She was silent,as if surprised in some indelicacy."Feuille morte,"she added suddenly;"Hester--do remember that!".
Considerable debate took place between the two sisters whether Timothy should or should not be summoned to see Annette.
"Oh,don't bother!"said Soames.
"But it's no trouble,only of course Annette's being French might upset him a little.He was so scared about Fashoda.I think perhaps we had better not run the risk,Hester.It's nice to have her all to ourselves,isn't it?And how are you,Soames?Have you quite got over your."Hester interposed hurriedly:
"What do you think of London,Annette?"
Soames,disquieted,awaited the reply.It came,sensible,composed:"Oh!I know London.I have visited before."He had never ventured to speak to her on the subject of the restaurant.The French had different notions about gentility,and to shrink from connection with it might seem to her ridiculous;he had waited to be married before mentioning it;and now he wished he hadn't.
"And what part do you know best?"said Aunt Juley.
"Soho,"said Annette simply.
Soames snapped his jaw.
"Soho?"repeated Aunt Juley;"Soho?"
'That'll go round the family,'thought Soames.
"It's very French,and interesting,"he said.
"Yes,"murmured Aunt Juley,"your Uncle Roger had some houses there once;he was always having to turn the tenants out,I remember."Soames changed the subject to Mapledurham.
"Of course,"said Aunt Juley,"you will be going down there soon to settle in.We are all so looking forward to the time when Annette has a dear little.""Juley!"cried Aunt Hester desperately,"ring tea!"Soames dared not wait for tea,and took Annette away.
"I shouldn't mention Soho if I were you,"he said in the cab.
"It's rather a shady part of London;and you're altogether above that restaurant business now;I mean,"he added,"I want you to know nice people,and the English are fearful snobs."Annette's clear eyes opened;a little smile came on her lips.
"Yes?"she said.
'H'm!'thought Soames,'that's meant for me!'and he looked at her hard.'She's got good business instincts,'he thought.'I must make her grasp it once for all!'
"Look here,Annette!it's very simple,only it wants understanding.Our professional and leisured classes still think themselves a cut above our business classes,except of course the very rich.It may be stupid,but there it is,you see.It isn't advisable in England to let people know that you ran a restaurant or kept a shop or were in any kind of trade.It may have been extremely creditable,but it puts a sort of label on you;you don't have such a good time,or meet such nice people--that's all.""I see,"said Annette;"it is the same in France.""Oh!"murmured Soames,at once relieved and taken aback."Of course,class is everything,really.""Yes,"said Annette;"comme vous etes sage."
'That's all right,'thought Soames,watching her lips,'only she's pretty cynical.'His knowledge of French was not yet such as to make him grieve that she had not said 'tu.'He slipped his arm round her,and murmured with an effort:
"Et vous etes ma belle femme."
Annette went off into a little fit of laughter.
"Oh,non!"she said."Oh,non!ne parlez pas Francais,Soames.
What is that old lady,your aunt,looking forward to?"Soames bit his lip."God knows!"he said;"she's always saying something;"but he knew better than God.