Random was so taken aback by the fierce accusation of the Professor that he stood suddenly still at the door, and did not advance into the room. Yet he did not look so much afraid as puzzled. Whatever Braddock might have thought, Hope, from the expression on the young soldier's face, was more than ever satisfied of his innocence.
"What are you talking about, Professor?" asked Random, genuinely surprised.
"You know well enough," retorted the Professor.
"Upon my word I don't," said the other, walking into the room and unbuckling his sword. "I find you here, with the contents of my bookcase on the floor, and you promptly accuse me of being guilty. Of what, I should like to know? Perhaps you can tell me Hope.""There is no need for Hope to tell you, sir. You are perfectly well aware of your own villainy."Random frowned.
"I allow a certain amount of latitude to my guests, Professor,"he said with marked dignity, "but for a man of your age and position you go too far. Be more explicit.""Allow me to speak," intervened Archie, anticipating Braddock.
"Random, the Professor has just had a visit from Captain Hiram Hervey, who was the skipper of The Diver. He accuses you of having murdered Bolton ""What?" the baronet started back, looking thunderstruck.
"Wait a moment. I have not finished yet. Hervey accuses you of this murder, of stealing the mummy, of gaining possession of the emeralds, and of placing the rifled corpse in Mrs. Jasher's garden, so that she might be accused of committing the crime.""Exactly," cried Braddock, seeing that his host remained silent from sheer surprise. "Hope has stated the case very clearly.
Now, sir, your defense?"
"Defense! defense!" Random found his tongue at last and spoke indignantly. "I have no defense to make.""Ah! Then you acknowledge your guilt?"
"I acknowledge nothing. The accusation is too preposterous for any denial to be necessary. Do you believe this of me?" He looked from one to the other.
"I don't," said Archie quickly, "there is some mistake.""Thank you, Hope. And you, Professor?"
Braddock fidgeted about the room.
"I don't know what to think," he said at length. "Hervey spoke very decisively.""Oh, indeed," returned Random dryly, and, walking to the door, he locked it. "In that case, I must ask you for an explanation, and neither of you shall leave this room until one is given. Your proofs?""Here is one of them," snapped Braddock, throwing the manuscript on the table. "Where did you get this?"Random took up the discolored paper with a bewildered air.
"I never set eyes on this before," he said, much puzzled. "What is it?""A copy of the manuscript mentioned by Don Pedro, which describes the two emeralds buried with the mummy of Inca Caxas""I see." Random understood all in a moment. "So you say that Iknew of the emeralds from this, and so murdered Bolton to obtain them.""Pardon me," said Braddock with elaborate politeness. "Hervey says that you murdered my poor assistant, and although my discovery of this manuscript proves that you must have known about the jewels, I say nothing. I wait to hear your defense.""That's very good of you," remarked Sir Frank ironically. "So it seems that I am in the dock. Perhaps the counsel for the prosecution will state the evidence against me," and he looked again from one to the other.
Archie shook the baronet by the hand very warmly.
"My dear fellow," he declared decidedly, "I don't believe one word of the evidence.""In that case there must be a flaw in it," retorted Random, but did not seem to be unmoved by Hope's generous action. "Sit down, Professor; it appears that you are against me.""Until I hear your defense," said the old man obstinately.
"I cannot make any until I hear your evidence. Go on. I am waiting," and Sir Frank flung himself into a chair, where he sat calmly, his eyes steadily fixed on the Professor's face.
"Where did you get that manuscript?" asked Braddock sharply.
"I got it nowhere: this is the first time I have seen it.""Yet it was hidden amongst your books."
"Then I can't say how it got there. Were you looking for it,?""No! Certainly not. To pass the time while waiting, I examined your library, and in pulling out a book, your case, being a swing one, over-balanced and shot its contents on to the floor.
Amongst the papers which fell with the books, I caught a glimpse of the manuscript, and, noting that it was written in Latin, Ipicked it up, surprised to think that a frivolous young man, such as you are, should study a dead language. A few words showed me that the manuscript was a copy of the one referred to by Don Pedro.""One moment," said Archie, who had been thinking. "Perhaps this is the original manuscript, which De Gayangos has given to you, Random.""It is good of you to afford me a loophole of escape," said Sir Frank, leaning back with folded arms, "but De Gayangos gave me nothing. I saw the manuscript in his hands, when he showed it to us all at Mrs. Jasher's. But whether this is the original or a copy I can't say. Don Pedro certainly did not give it to me.""Has Don Pedro been in your quarters?" asked Hope thoughtfully.
"No. He has only visited me in the mess. And even if Don Pedro did come in here - for I guess what is in your mind - I really do not see why he should slip a manuscript which he values highly amongst my books.""Then you really never saw this before?" said Braddock, indicating the paper on the table, and impressed by Random's earnestness.
"How often do you want me to deny it?" retorted the young man impatiently. "Perhaps you will state on what grounds I am accused?"Braddock nodded and cleared his throat.