第114章 XII.
Alice Brand.
Merry it is in the good greenwood, When the mavis and merle are singing, When the deer sweeps by, and the hounds are in cry, And the hunter's horn is ringing.
'O Alice Brand, my native land Is lost for love of you;And we must hold by wood and word, As outlaws wont to do.
'O Alice, 't was all for thy locks so bright, And 't was all for shine eyes so blue, That on the night of our luckless flight Thy brother bold I slew.
'Now must I teach to hew the beech The hand that held the glaive, For leaves to spread our lowly bed, And stakes to fence our cave.
'And for vest of pall, thy fingers small, That wont on harp to stray, A cloak must shear from the slaughtered deer, To keep the cold away.'
'O Richard! if my brother died, 'T was but a fatal chance;For darkling was the battle tried, And fortune sped the lance.
'If pall and vair no more I wear, Nor thou the crimson sheen As warm, we'll say, is the russet gray, As gay the forest-green.
'And, Richard, if our lot be hard, And lost thy native land, Still Alice has her own Richard, And he his Alice Brand.'