第163章 From Deep Experience.(5)
"Ida seems even more concerned about you than herself,"said Stanton in conclusion,"and it would kill her,as she now feels,if you should give way to your old weakness again.She fears that she won't be able to sustain and cheer you as she intended,but I told her that we would both stand by her and see her through her trouble.""I understand you,Ik,"said Mr.Mayhew,quietly."From my heart I thank you for your kindness to Ida.But you don't understand me.I had a deeper thirst than that for brandy,and when my child gave me her love,my real thirst was quenched,and the other is gone.""That's noble;we'll pull through yet!"Stanton resumed,heartily.
"Ida and I got our supper at a village inn--at least,we went through the motions--for I was bound no one should have a chance to stare at her to-night.""No matter,"said her father,decisively."I have had prepared as nice a supper as Mr.Burleigh could furnish,and I shall take it to her room.She shall see that she is not forgotten."Ida tried to eat a little to please him,but she soon came and sat beside him on her sofa,saying,as she buried her face against his shoulder,"Father,I shall have to lean very hard on you now.""I won't fail you,Ida,"was the gentle and simple reply,but they understood each other without further words.With unspoken sympathy and tenderness he tried to fill the place her mother could not,for if Mrs.Mayhew had gained any knowledge of Ida's feelings,she would have had a great deal to say on the subject with the best and kindest intentions.With heavy touch she would try to examine and heal the wound twenty times a day.