LETTERS 1879.RETURN TO AMERICA.THE GREAT GRANT REUNIONLife went on very well in Munich.Each day the family fell more in love with Fraulein Dahlweiner and her house.
Mark Twain, however, did not settle down to his work readily.His "pleasant work-room" provided exercise, but no inspiration.When he discovered he could not find his Swiss note-book he was ready to give up his travel-writing altogether.In the letter that follows we find him much less enthusiastic concerning his own performances than over the story by Howells, which he was following in the Atlantic.
The "detective" chapter mentioned in this letter was not included in 'A Tramp Abroad.' It was published separately, as 'The Stolen White Elephant' in a volume bearing that title.The play, which he had now found "dreadfully witless and flat," was no other than "Simon Wheeler, Detective," which he had once regarded so highly.The "Stewart" referred to was the millionaire merchant, A.T.Stewart, whose body was stolen in the expectation of reward.
To W.D.Howells, in Boston:
MUNICH, Jan.21, (1879)
MY DEAR HOWELLS,--It's no use, your letter miscarried in some way and is lost.The consul has made a thorough search and says he has not been able to trace it.It is unaccountable, for all the letters I did not want arrived without a single grateful failure.Well, I have read-up, now, as far as you have got, that is, to where there's a storm at sea approaching,--and we three think you are clear, out-Howellsing Howells.
If your literature has not struck perfection now we are not able to see what is lacking.It is all such truth--truth to the life; every where your pen falls it leaves a photograph.I did imagine that everything had been said about life at sea that could be said, but no matter, it was all a failure and lies, nothing but lies with a thin varnish of fact,--only you have stated it as it absolutely is.And only you see people and their ways, and their insides and outsides as they are, and make them talk as they do talk.I think you are the very greatest artist in these tremendous mysteries that ever lived.There doesn't seem to be anything that can be concealed from your awful all-seeing eye.It must be a cheerful thing for one to live with you and be aware that you are going up and down in him like another conscience all the time.Possibly you will not be a fully accepted classic until you have been dead a hundred years, --it is the fate of the Shakespeares and of all genuine prophets, --but then your books will be as common as Bibles, I believe.You're not a weed, but an oak; not a summer-house, but a cathedral.In that day Ishall still be in the Cyclopedias, too, thus: "Mark Twain; history and occupation unknown--but he was personally acquainted with Howells."There--I could sing your praises all day, and feel and believe every bit of it.
My book is half finished; I wish to heaven it was done.I have given up writing a detective novel--can't write a novel, for I lack the faculty;but when the detectives were nosing around after Stewart's loud remains, I threw a chapter into my present book in which I have very extravagantly burlesqued the detective business--if it is possible to burlesque that business extravagantly.You know I was going to send you that detective play, so that you could re-write it.Well I didn't do it because Icouldn't find a single idea in it that could be useful to you.It was dreadfully witless and flat.I knew it would sadden you and unfit you for work.
I have always been sorry we threw up that play embodying Orion which you began.It was a mistake to do that.Do keep that MS and tackle it again.It will work out all right; you will see.I don't believe that that character exists in literature in so well-developed a condition as it exists in Orion's person.Now won't you put Orion in a story? Then he will go handsomely into a play afterwards.How deliciously you could paint him--it would make fascinating reading--the sort that makes a reader laugh and cry at the same time, for Orion is as good and ridiculous a soul as ever was.
Ah, to think of Bayard Taylor! It is too sad to talk about.I was so glad there was not a single sting and so many good praiseful words in the Atlantic's criticism of Deukalion.
Love to you all Yrs Ever MARK
We remain here till middle of March.
In 'A Tramp Abroad' there is an incident in which the author describes himself as hunting for a lost sock in the dark, in a vast hotel bedroom at Heilbronn.The account of the real incident, as written to Twichell, seems even more amusing.
The "Yarn About the Limburger Cheese and the Box of Guns," like "The Stolen White Elephant," did not find place in the travel-book, but was published in the same volume with the elephant story, added to the rambling notes of "An Idle Excursion."With the discovery of the Swiss note-book, work with Mark Twain was going better.His letter reflects his enthusiasm.
To Rev.J.H.Twichell, in Hartford:
MUNICH, Jan 26 '79.