LETTERS 1867.THE TRAVELER.THE VOYAGE OF THE "QUAKER CITY"Mark Twain, now at sea, was writing many letters; not personal letters, but those unique descriptive relations of travel which would make him his first great fame--those fresh first impressions preserved to us now as chapters of The Innocents Abroad.Yet here and there in the midst of sight-seeing and reporting he found time to send a brief line to those at home, merely that they might have a word from his own hand, for he had ordered the papers to which he was to contribute--the Alta and the New York Tribune--sent to them, and these would give the story of his travels.The home letters read like notebook entries.
Letters to Mrs.Jane Clemens and family, in St.Louis:
FAYAL (Azores,) June 20th, 1867.
DEAR FOLKS,--We are having a lively time here, after a stormy trip.We meant to go to San Miguel, but were driven here by stress of weather.
Beautiful climate.
GIBRALTAR, June 30th, 1867.
DEAR FOLKS,-- Arrived here this morning, and am clear worn out with riding and climbing in and over and around this monstrous rock and its fortifications.Summer climate and very pleasant.
DEAR FOLKS, Half a dozen of us came here yesterday from Gibraltar and some of the company took the other direction; went up through Spain, to Paris by rail.We decided that Gibraltar and San Roque were all of Spain that we wanted to see at present and are glad we came here among the Africans, Moors, Arabs and Bedouins of the desert.I would not give this experience for all the balance of the trip combined.This is the infernalest hive of infernally costumed barbarians I have ever come across yet.
AT SEA, July 2, 1867.
DR.FOLKS,--We are far up the intensely blue and ravishingly beautiful Mediterranean.And now we are just passing the island of Minorca.The climate is perfectly lovely and it is hard to drive anybody to bed, day or night.We remain up the whole night through occasionally, and by this means enjoy the rare sensation of seeing the sun rise.But the sunsets are soft, rich, warm and superb!
We had a ball last night under the awnings of the quarter deck, and the share of it of three of us was masquerade.We had full, flowing, picturesque Moorish costumes which we purchased in the bazaars of Tangier.
We are here.Start for Paris tomorrow.All well.Had gorgeous 4th of July jollification yesterday at sea.
The reader may expand these sketchy outlines to his heart's content by following the chapters in The Innocents Abroad, which is very good history, less elaborated than might be supposed.But on the other hand, the next letter adds something of interest to the book-circumstances which a modest author would necessarily omit.
To Mrs.Jane Clemens and family, in St.Louis:
YALTA, RUSSIA, Aug.25, 1867.
DEAR FOLKS,--We have been representing the United States all we knew how today.We went to Sebastopol, after we got tired of Constantinople (got your letter there, and one at Naples,) and there the Commandant and the whole town came aboard and were as jolly and sociable as old friends.
They said the Emperor of Russia was at Yalta, 30 miles or 40 away, and urged us to go there with the ship and visit him--promised us a cordial welcome.They insisted on sending a telegram to the Emperor, and also a courier overland to announce our coming.But we knew that a great English Excursion party, and also the Viceroy of Egypt, in his splendid yacht, had been refused an audience within the last fortnight, so we thought it not safe to try it.They said, no difference--the Emperor would hardly visit our ship, because that would be a most extraordinary favor, and one which he uniformly refuses to accord under any circumstances, but he would certainly receive us at his palace.We still declined.But we had to go to Odessa, 250 miles away, and there the Governor General urged us, and sent a telegram to the Emperor, which we hardly expected to be answered, but it was, and promptly.So we sailed back to Yalta.
We all went to the palace at noon, today, (3 miles) in carriages and on horses sent by the Emperor, and we had a jolly time.Instead of the usual formal audience of 15 minutes, we staid 4 hours and were made a good deal more at home than we could have been in a New York drawing-room.The whole tribe turned out to receive our party-Emperor, Empress, the oldest daughter (Grand-Duchess Marie, a pretty girl of 14,) a little Grand Duke, her brother, and a platoon of Admirals, Princes, Peers of the Empire, etc., and in a little while an aid-de-camp arrived with a request from the Grand Duke Michael, the Emperor's brother, that we would visit his palace and breakfast with him.The Emperor also invited us, on behalf of his absent eldest son and heir (aged 22,) to visit his palace and consider it a visit to him.They all talk English and they were all very neatly but very plainly dressed.You all dress a good deal finer than they were dressed.The Emperor and his family threw off all reserve and showed us all over the palace themselves.It is very rich and very elegant, but in no way gaudy.
I had been appointed chairman of a committee to draught an address to the Emperor in behalf of the passengers, and as I fully expected, and as they fully intended, I had to write the address myself.I didn't mind it, because I have no modesty and would as soon write to an Emperor as to anybody else--but considering that there were 5 on the committee Ithought they might have contributed one paragraph among them, anyway.
They wanted me to read it to him, too, but I declined that honor--not because I hadn't cheek enough (and some to spare,) but because our Consul at Odessa was along, and also the Secretary of our Legation at St.