"Lord forbid! Does that information entitle me to any in return?""I don't know; but, whether or no, my name is Rhoda Gale.""Have another plate, Miss Gale?"
He ordered another.
"I am proud of your confiding your name to me, Miss Gale; but, to tell the truth, what I wanted to know is how a young lady of your talent and education could be so badly off as you must be. It is not impertinent curiosity."The young lady reflected a moment. "Sir," said she, "I don't think it is;and I would not much mind telling you. Of course I studied you before Icame here. Even hunger would not make me sit in a tavern beside a fool, or a snob, or (with a faint blush) a libertine. But to tell one's own story, that is so egotistical, for one thing.
"Oh, it is never egotistical to oblige."
"Now, that is sophistical. Then, again, I am afraid I could not tell it to you without crying, because you seem rather a manly man, and some of it might revolt you, and you might sympathize right out, and then Ishould break down."
"No matter. Do us both good."
"Yes, but before the waiters and people! See how they are staring at us already.""We will have another go in at the beef, and then adjourn to the garden for your narrative.""No: as much garden as you like, but no more beef. I have eaten one sirloin, I reckon. Will you give me one cup of black tea without sugar or milk?"Vizard gave the order.
She seemed to think some explanation necessary, though he did not.
"One cup of tea agrees with my brain and nerves," said she. "It steadies them. That is a matter of individual experience. I should not prescribe it to others any the more for that."Vizard sat wondering at the girl. He said to himself, "What is she? A_lusus naturoe?"_
When the tea came, and she had sipped a little, she perked up wonderfully. Said she, "Oh, the magic effect of food eaten judiciously!
Now I am a lioness, and do not fear the future. Yes; I will tell you my story--and, if you think you are going to hear a love-story, you will be nicely caught--ha-ha! No, _sir;"_ said she, with rising fervor and heightened color, "you will hear a story the public is deeply interested in and does not know it; ay, a story that will certainly be referred to with wonder and shame, whenever civilization shall become a reality, and law cease to be a tool of injustice and monopoly." She paused a moment;then said a little doggedly, as one used to encounter prejudice, "I am a medical student; a would-be doctor.""Ah!"
"And so well qualified by genuine gifts, by study from my infancy, by zeal, quick senses, and cultivated judgment, that, were all the leading London physicians examined to-morrow by qualified persons at the same board as myself, most of those wealthy practitioners--not all, mind you--would cut an indifferent figure in modern science compared with me, whom you have had to rescue from starvation--because I am a woman."Her eye flashed. But she moderated herself, and said, "That is the outline; and it is a grievance. Now, grievances are bores. You can escape this one before it is too late.""If it lies with me, I demand the minutest details," said Vizard, warmly.
"You shall have them; and true to the letter."Vizard settled the small account, and adjourned, with his companion, to the garden. She walked by his side, with her face sometimes thoughtfully bent on the ground, and sometimes confronting him with ardor, and told him a true story, the simplicity of which I shall try not to spoil with any vulgar arts of fiction.