However remote may be the expedition on which he is bound, he finds it easy to transport with him the stock from which he derives his subsistence.The whole people is an army; the whole year a march.Such was the state of society which facilitated the gigantic conquests of Attila and Tamerlane.
But a people which subsists by the cultivation of the earth is in a very different situation.The husbandman is bound to the soil on which he labours.A long campaign would be ruinous to him.
Still his pursuits are such as give to his frame both the active and the passive strength necessary to a soldier.Nor do they, at least in the infancy of agricultural science, demand his uninterrupted attention.At particular times of the year he is almost wholly unemployed, and can, without injury to himself, afford the time necessary for a short expedition.Thus the legions of Rome were supplied during its earlier wars.The season during which the fields did not require the presence of the cultivators sufficed for a short inroad and a battle.These operations, too frequently interrupted to produce decisive results, yet served to keep up among the people a degree ofdiscipline and courage which rendered them, not only secure, but formidable.The archers and billmen of the middle ages, who, with provisions for forty days at their backs, left the fields for the camp, were troops of the same description.
But when commerce and manufactures begin to flourish a great change takes place.The sedentary habits of the desk and the loom render the exertions and hardships of war insupportable.The business of traders and artisans requires their constant presence and attention.In such a community there is little superfluous time; but there is generally much superfluous money.Some members of the society are, therefore, hired to relieve the rest from a task inconsistent with their habits and engagements.
The history of Greece is, in this, as in many other respects, the best commentary on the history of Italy.Five hundred years before the Christian era, the citizens of the republics round the Aegean Sea formed perhaps the finest militia that ever existed.
As wealth and refinement advanced, the system underwent a gradual alteration.The Ionian States were the first in which commerce and the arts were cultivated, and the first in which the ancient discipline decayed.Within eighty years after the battle of Plataea, mercenary troops were everywhere plying for battles and sieges.In the time of Demosthenes, it was scarcely possible to persuade or compel the Athenians to enlist for foreign service.
The laws of Lycurgus prohibited trade and manufactures.The Spartans, therefore, continued to form a national force long after their neighbours had begun to hire soldiers.But their military spirit declined with their singular institutions.In the second century before Christ, Greece contained only one nation of warriors, the savage highlanders of Aetolia, who were some generations behind their countrymen in civilisation and intelligence.
All the causes which produced these effects among the Greeks acted still more strongly on the modern Italians.Instead of a power like Sparta, in its nature warlike, they had amongst them an ecclesiastical state, in its nature pacific.Where there are numerous slaves, every freeman is induced by the strongest motives to familiarise himself with the use of arms.The commonwealths of Italy did not, like those of Greece, swarm with thousands of these household enemies.Lastly, the mode in which military operations were conducted during the prosperous times of Italy was peculiarly unfavourable to the formation of an efficient militia.Men covered with iron from head to foot, armed with ponderous lances, and mounted on horses of the largest breed, were considered as composing the strength of an army.The infantry was regarded as comparatively worthless, and was neglected till it became really so.These tactics maintained their ground for centuries in most parts of Europe.That foot-soldiers could withstand the charge of heavy cavalry was thought utterly impossible, till, towards the close of the fifteenth century, the rude mountaineers of Switzerland dissolved the spell, and astounded the most experienced generals by receiving the dreaded shock on an impenetrable forest of pikes.
The use of the Grecian spear, the Roman sword, or the modern bayonet, might be acquired with comparative ease.But nothing short of the daily exercise of years could train the man-at-arms to support his ponderous panoply, and manage his unwieldy weapon.
Throughout Europe this most important branch of war became a separate profession.Beyond the Alps, indeed, though a profession, it was not generally a trade.It was the duty and the amusement of a large class of country gentlemen.It was the service by which they held their lands, and the diversion by which, in the absence of mental resources, they beguiled their leisure.But in the Northern States of Italy, as we have already remarked, the growing power of the cities, where it had not exterminated this order of men, had completely changed their habits.Here, therefore, the practice of employing mercenaries became universal, at a time when it was almost unknown in other countries.
When war becomes the trade of a separate class, the least dangerous course left to a government is to force that class into a standing army.It is scarcely possible, that men can pass their lives in the service of one State, without feeling some interest in its greatness.Its victories are their victories.Its defeats are their defeats.The contract loses something of its mercantile character.The services of the soldier are considered as the effects of patriotic zeal, his pay as the tribute of national gratitude.To betray the power which employs him, to be even remiss in its service, are in his eyes the most atrocious and degrading of crimes.