第40章 Little Darby(6)
"They ain't a-been to bed," said the girl, quietly; and then, as if a sudden thought had struck her, she hitched her chair nearer the door which she had left open, and sat facing it as she sewed on the brown thing she was working on a small bow which she took from her dress.
"I de-clar, I don't see what old Mis's Stanley is actually a-gwine to do,"broke out Mrs.Mills, suddenly, and when Vashti did not feel called on to try to enlighten her she added, "Do you?""Same as other folks, I s'pose," said the girl, quietly.
"Other folks has somebody -- somebody to take keer on 'em.
I've got your pappy now; but she ain't got nobody but little Darby --and when he's gone what will she do?"
For answer Vashti only hitched her chair a little nearer the door and sewed on almost in darkness."Not that he was much account to her, ner to anybody else, except for goin' aroun' a-fightin' and a-fussin'.""He was account to her," flamed up the girl, suddenly; "he was account to her, to her and to everybody else.He was the fust soldier that 'listed, and he's account to everybody."The old woman had raised her head in astonishment at her daughter's first outbreak, and was evidently about to reply sharply;but the girl's flushed face and flashing eyes awed and silenced her.
"Well, well, I ain't sayin' nothin' against him," she said, presently.
"Yes, you air -- you're always sayin' somethin' against him --and so is everybody else -- and they ain't fitten to tie his shoes.
Why don't they say it to his face! There ain't one of 'em as dares it, and he's the best soldier in the comp'ny, an' I'm jest as proud of it as if he was my own."The old woman was evidently bound to defend herself.She said:
"It don't lay in your mouth to take up for him, Vashti Mills;for you're the one as has gone up and down and abused him scandalous.""Yes, and I know I did," said the girl, springing up excitedly and tossing her arms and tearing at her ribbons."An' I told him to his face too, and that's the only good thing about it.
I knowed it was a lie when I told him, and he knowed it was a lie too, and he knowed I knowed it was a lie -- what's more -- and I'm glad he did --fo' God I'm glad he did.He could 'a' whipped the whole company an' he jest wouldn't -- an' that's God's truth -- God's fatal truth."The next instant she was on her knees hunting for something on the floor, in an agony of tears; and as her father, aroused by the noise, rose and asked a question, she sprang up and rushed out of the door.
The sound of an axe was already coming through the darkness across the gum thickets from Mrs.Stanley's, telling that preparation was being made for Darby's last breakfast.It might have told more, however, by its long continuance; for it meant that Little Darby was cutting his mother a supply of wood to last till his return.Inside, the old woman, thin and faded, was rubbing his musket.
The sun was just rising above the pines, filling the little bottom between the cabins with a sort of rosy light, and making the dewy bushes and weeds sparkle with jewel-strung gossamer webs, when Little Darby, with his musket in his hand, stepped for the last time out of the low door.He had been the first soldier in the district to enlist, he must be on time.He paused just long enough to give one swift glance around the little clearing, and then set out along the path at his old swinging pace.At the edge of the pines he turned and glanced back.
His mother was standing in the door, but whether she saw him or not he could not tell.He waved his hand to her, but she did not wave back, her eyes were failing somewhat.The next instant he disappeared in the pines.
He had crossed the little stream on the old log and passed the point where he had met Vashti the evening before, when he thought he heard something fall a little ahead of him.It could not have been a squirrel, for it did not move after it fell.His old hunter's instinct caused him to look keenly down the path as he turned the clump of bushes which stopped his view; but he saw no squirrel or other moving thing.
The only thing he saw was a little brown something with a curious spot on it lying in the path some little way ahead.As he came nearer it, he saw that it was a small parcel not as big as a man's fist.
Someone had evidently dropped it the evening before.He picked it up and examined it as he strode along.It was a little case or wallet made of some brown stuff, such as women carry needles and thread in, and it was tied up with a bit of red, white and blue string, the Confederate colors, on the end of which was sewed a small bow of pink ribbon.He untied it.It was what it looked to be:
a roughly made little needle-case such as women use, tolerably well stocked with sewing materials, and it had something hard and almost square in a separate pocket.Darby opened this, and his gun almost slipped from his hand.Inside was the Testament he had given back to Vashti the evening before.He stopped stock-still, and gazed at it in amazement, turning it over in his hand.He recognized the bow of pink ribbon as one like that which she had had on her dress the evening before.
She must have dropped it.Then it came to him that she must have given it to one of her brothers, and a pang shot through his heart.
But how did it get where he found it? He was too keen a woodsman not to know that no footstep had gone before his on that path that morning.
It was a mystery too deep for him, and after puzzling over it a while he tied the parcel up again as nearly like what it had been before as he could, and determined to give it to one of the Mills boys when he reached the Cross-roads.He unbuttoned his jacket and put it into the little inner pocket, and then rebuttoning it carefully, stepped out again more briskly than before.
It was perhaps an hour later that the Mills boys set out for the Cross-roads.
Their father and mother went with them; but Vashti did not go.