第278章 [1762](27)
Whilst I waited for an answer, I reflected upon my situation, anddeliberated upon the steps I had to take.I perceived so manydifficulties on all sides, the vexation I had suffered had so stronglyaffected me, and my health was then in such a bad state, that I wasquite overcome, and the effect of my discouragement was to depriveme of the little resource which remained in my mind, by which I might,as well as it was possible to do it, have withdrawn myself from mymelancholy situation.In whatever asylum I should take refuge, itappeared impossible to avoid either of the two means made use of toexpel me.One of which was to stir up against me the populace bysecret maneuvers; and the other to drive me away by open force,without giving a reason for so doing.I could not, therefore, dependupon a safe retreat, unless I went in search of it farther than mystrength and the season seemed likely to permit.These circumstancesagain bringing to my recollection the ideas which had latelyoccurred to me, I wished my persecutors to condemn me to perpetualimprisonment rather than oblige me incessantly to wander upon theearth, by successively expelling me from the asylums of which I shouldmake choice; and to this effect I made them a proposal.Two days aftermy first letter to M.de Graffenried, I wrote him a second, desiringhe would state what I had proposed to their excellencies.The answerfrom Berne to both was an order, conceived in the most formal andsevere terms, to go out of the island, and leave every territory,mediate and immediate of the republic, within the space of twenty-fourhours, and never to enter them again under the most grievouspenalties.
This was a terrible moment.I have since that time felt greateranguish, but never have I been more embarrassed.What afflicted memost was being forced to abandon the project which had made medesirous to pass the winter in the island.It is now time I shouldrelate the fatal anecdote which completed my disasters, and involvedin my ruin an unfortunate people whose rising virtues already promisedto equal those of Rome and Sparta.I had spoken of the Corsicans inthe Contrat Social as a new people, the only nation in Europe nottoo worn out for legislation, and had expressed the great hope therewas of such a people if it were fortunate enough to have a wiselegislator.My work was read by some of the Corsicans, who weresensible of the honorable manner in which I had spoken of them; andthe necessity under which they found themselves of endeavoring toestablish their republic, made their chiefs think of asking me formy ideas upon the subject.M.Buttafuoco, of one of the first familiesin the country, and captain in France, in the Royal Italians, wrote tome to that effect, and sent me several papers for which I had asked tomake myself acquainted with the history of the nation and the state ofthe country.M.Paoli, also, wrote to me several times, and though Ifelt such an undertaking to be superior to my abilities, I thought Icould not refuse to give my assistance in so great and noble a work,the moment I should have acquired all the necessary information.Itwas to this effect I answered both these gentlemen, and thecorrespondence lasted until my departure.
Precisely at the same time, I heard that France was sending troopsto Corsica, and that she had entered into a treaty with the Genoese.
This treaty and sending of troops gave me uneasiness, and, withoutimagining I had any further relation with the business, I thought itimpossible and the attempt ridiculous, to labor at an undertakingwhich required such undisturbed tranquillity as the politicalinstitution of a people in the moment when perhaps they were uponthe point of being subjugated.I did not conceal my fears from M.
Buttafuoco, who rather relieved me from them by the assurance that,were there in the treaty things contrary to the liberty of hiscountry, a good citizen like himself would not remain as he did in theservice of France.In fact, his zeal for the legislation of theCorsicans, and his connections with M.Paoli, could not leave adoubt on my mind respecting him; and when I heard he made frequentjourneys to Versailles and Fontainebleau, and had conversations withM.de Choiseul, all I concluded from the whole was, that withrespect to the real intentions of France he had assurances which hegave me to understand, but concerning which he did not choose openlyto explain himself by letter.
This removed a part of my apprehensions.Yet, as I could notcomprehend the meaning of the transportation of troops from France,nor reasonably suppose they were sent to Corsica to protect theliberty of the inhabitants, which they themselves were very wellable to defend against the Genoese, I could neither make myselfperfectly easy, nor seriously undertake the plan of the proposedlegislation, until I had solid proofs that the whole was serious,and that the parties meant not to trifle with me.I much wished for aninterview with M.Buttafuoco, as that was certainly the best meansof coming at the explanation I wished.Of this he gave me hopes, and Iwaited for it with the greatest impatience.I know not whether hereally intended me any interview or not; but had this even been thecase, my misfortunes would have prevented me from profiting by it.