The king struck him in the chin with the sharp point of his battle-axe, and said, "I shall mark thee as a traitor to thy sovereign."Then Aslak Fitiaskalle rose up, and struck Erling in the head with an axe, so that it stood fast in his brain, and was instantly his death-wound.Thus Erling lost his life.
The king said to Aslak, "May all ill luck attend thee for that stroke; for thou hast struck Norway out of my hands."Aslak replied, "It is bad enough if that stroke displease thee, for I thought it was striking Norway into thy hands; and if Ihave given thee offence, sire, by this stroke, and have thy ill-will for it, it will go badly with me, for I will get so many men's ill-will and enmity for this deed that I would need all your protection and favour."The king replied that he should have it.
Thereafter the king ordered every man to return to his ship, and to get ready to depart as fast as he could."We will not plunder the slain," says he, "and each man may keep what he has taken."The men returned to the ships and prepared themselves for the departure as quickly as possible; and scarcely was this done before the vessels of the bondes ran in from the south into the sound.It went with the bonde-army as is often seen, that the men, although many in numbers, know not what to do when they have experienced a check, have lost their chief, and are without leaders.None of Erling's sons were there, and the bondes therefore made no attack, and the king sailed on his way northwards.But the bondes took Erling's corpse, adorned it, and carried it with them home to Sole, and also the bodies of all who had fallen.There was great lamentation over Erling; and it has been a common observation among people, that Erling Skjalgson was the greatest and worthiest man in Norway of those who had no high title.Sigvat made these verses upon the occasion: --"Thus Erling fell -- and such a gain To buy with such a loss was vain;For better man than he ne'er died, And the king's gain was small beside.
In truth no man I ever knew Was, in all ways, so firm and true;Free from servility and pride, Honoured by all, yet thus he died."Sigvat also says that Aslak had very unthinkingly committed this murder of his own kinsman: --"Norway's brave defender's dead!
Aslak has heaped on his own head The guilt of murdering his own kin:
May few be guilty of such sin!
His kinsman's murder on him lies --
Our forefathers, in sayings wise, Have said, what is unknown to few, `Kinsmen to kinsmen should be true.'"187.OF THE INSURRECTION OF AGDER DISTRICT.
Of Erling's sons some at that time were north in Throndhjem, some in Hordaland, and some in the Fjord district, for the purpose of collecting men.When Erling's death was reported, the news came also that there was a levy raising in Agder, Hordaland, and Rogaland.Forces were raised and a great army assembled, under Erling's sons, to pursue King Olaf.
When King Olaf retired from the battle with Erling he went northward through the sounds, and it was late in the day.It is related that the king then made the following verses: --"This night, with battle sounds wild ringing, Small joy to the fair youth is bringing Who sits in Jadar, little dreaming O'er what this night the raven's screaming.
The far-descended Erling's life Too soon has fallen; but, in the strife He met the luck they well deserve Who from their faith and fealty swerve."Afterwards the king sailed with his fleet along the land northwards, and got certain tidings of the bondes assembling an army.There were many chiefs and lendermen at this time with King Olaf, and all the sons of Arne.Of this Bjarne Gullbrarskald speaks in the poem he composed about Kalf Arnason:
"Kalf! thou hast fought at Bokn well;
Of thy brave doings all men tell:
When Harald's son his men urged on To the hard strife, thy courage shone.
Thou soon hadst made a good Yule feast For greedy wolf there in the East:
Where stone and spear were flying round, There thou wast still the foremost found.
The people suffered in the strife When noble Erling lost his life, And north of Utstein many a speck Of blood lay black upon the deck.
The king, 'tis clear, has been deceived, By treason of his land bereaved;And Agder now, whose force is great.
Will rule o'er all parts of the state."
King O1af continued his voyage until he came north of Stad, and brought up at the Herey Isles.Here he heard the news that Earl Hakon had a great war-force in Throndhjem, and thereupon the king held a council with his people.Kalf Arnason urged much to advance to Throndhjem, and fight Earl Hakon, notwithstanding the difference of numbers.Many others supported this advice, but others dissuaded from it, and the matter was left to the king's judgment.