Mademoiselle held the royal warrant of her father's banishment in her hand. She was pale, and her greeting of me had been timid. Istood before her, and by the door stood Rodenard, whom I had bidden attend me.
As I had approached Lavedan that day, I had been taken with a great, an overwhelming shame at the bargain I had driven. I had pondered, and it had come to me that she had been right to suggest that in matters of love what is not freely given it is not worth while to take. And out of my shame and that conclusion had sprung a new resolve. So that nothing might weaken it, and lest, after all, the sight of Roxalanne should bring me so to desire her that I might be tempted to override my purpose, I had deemed it well to have the restraint of a witness at our last interview. To this end had Ibidden Ganymede follow me into the very salon.
She read the document to the very end, then her glance was raised timidly again to mine, and from me it shifted to Ganymede, stiff at his post by the door.
"This was the best that you could do, monsieur?" she asked at last.
"The very best, mademoiselle," I answered calmly. "I do not wish to magnify my service, but it was that or the scaffold. Madame your mother had, unfortunately, seen the King before me, and she had prejudiced your father's case by admitting him to be a traitor.
There was a moment when in view of that I was almost led to despair.
I am glad, however, mademoiselle, that I was so fortunate as to persuade the King to just so much clemency.""And for five years, then, I shall not see my parents." She sighed, and her distress was very touching.
"That need not be. Though they may not come to France, it still remains possible for you to visit them in Spain.""True," she mused; "that will be something - will it not?""Assuredly something; under the circumstances, much."She sighed again, and for a moment there was silence.
"Will you not sit, monsieur?" said she at last. - She was very quiet to-day, this little maid - very quiet and very wondrously subdued.
"There is scarce the need," I answered softly; whereupon her eyes were raised to ask a hundred questions. "You are satisfied with my efforts, mademoiselle?" I inquired.
"Yes, I am satisfied, monsieur."
That was the end, I told myself, and involuntarily I also sighed.
Still, I made no shift to go.
"You are satisfied that I - that I have fulfilled what I promised?"Her eyes were again cast down, and she took a step: in the direction of the window.
"But yes. Your promise was to save my father from the scaffold.
You have done so, and I make no doubt you have done as much to reduce the term of his banishment as lay within your power. Yes, monsieur, I am satisfied that your promise has been well fulfilled."Heigho! The resolve that I had formed in coming whispered it in my ear that nothing remained but to withdraw and go my way. Yet not for all that resolve - not for a hundred such resolves - could I have gone thus. One kindly word, one kindly glance at least would I take to comfort: me. I would tell her in plain words of my purpose, and she should see that there was still some good, some sense of honour in me, and thus should esteem me after I was gone.
"Ganymede." said I.
"Bid the men mount."
At that she turned, wonder opening her eyes very wide, and her glance travelled from me to Rodenard with its unspoken question.