第23章 Lesson 22: Jane Wants a Pet
Jane looked around her room. There were animals everywhere. She had teddy bears from her grandma. She had stuffed animals from her aunt. She even had posters of puppies on the wall. However, what Jane wanted was a real pet. She wanted a puppy or kitten to love and play with.
Jane's mom was reading a book. "Mom, can I ask you something?" asked Jane.
"Sure Honey," said Mom.
"I know I have teddy bears from grandma and and stuffed animals from aunt Linda, but I really want a real pet to take care of," said Jane.
Jane's mom put down her book. "Pets take a lot of work," said Mom. "And they are part of the family for many years. Do you think you would have time to take care of a pet? You should think about it."
I. Word List
stuffed animals: soft toy animals
posters: large pictures
Honey: a name parents often call children
II. Reading Skills—Choose the correct answers.
1. Jane's aunt's name is ______.
a. Mildred b. Linda c. Lucy d. Helga
2. This story is about ______ .
a. Jane hearing that pets are bad
b. Jane hearing that pets take work
c. Jane hearing that pets are dirty
3. Jane' teddy bears are from ______.
a. her mom b. grandma c. aunt Linda d. Fred
III. Word Play
1. What is a word that rhymes with money? ___________
2. What letter is missing from this word? A_nt Linda
3. What letters are missing from these words? pu_ _ y ki_ _ en
4. What are two words in the story that start with "b"? b _ _ _ _ b _ _ _
5. What are two words in the story that end with "t"? _ _ _ t _ _ t
IV. Answer the following questions with a partner.
1. Do you have a pet? If not, do you want one? Why or why not?
2. Do you think Jane will get a real pet or more teddy bears?
3. Do you think Jane would take good care of a pet?
4. Do you think pets are hard to take care of?
5. What are some things people do to take care of pets? For example, we give them food and water.