wolf grieved sleeve neighbors earnest
axes clubs order destroysingle

1. A boy was once taking care of some sheep, not far from a forest. Near by was a village, and he was told to call for help if there was any danger.
2. One day, in order to have some fun, he cried out, with all his might, “The wolf is coming! the wolf is coming! ”
3. The men came running with clubs and axes to destroy the wolf. As they saw nothing they went home again, and left John laughing in his sleeve.
4. As he had had so much fun this time, John cried out again, the next day, “The wolf! the wolf! ”
5. The men came again, but not so many as the first time. Again they saw no trace of the wolf; so they shook their heads, and went back.
6. On the third day, the wolf came in earnest. John cried in dismay,“Help! help! the wolf! the wolf! ” But not a single man came to help him.
7. The wolf broke into the flock, and killed a great many sheep. Among them was a beautiful lamb, which belonged to John.
8. Then he felt very sorry that he had deceived his friends and neighbors, and grieved over the loss of his pet lamb.
The truth itself is not believed,
From one who often has deceived.
A. Discussion Questions—Talk about these questions with a partner.
1. Why did John cry out “The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! ”?
2. On the third day, when John called for help, why didn't the men come?
3. How did John feel at the end of the story? Why?
4. Deceive means to make someone believe something that isn't true. Have you ever deceived someone?
5. Many people say it is important to always be honest. Do you agree?
6. What do you think John learned from this experience?
B. Scrambled Sentences—Put these sentences in the correct order.
1. The wolf killed many sheep and John's lamb. ( 1 )
2. A boy was taking care of some sheep. ( )
3. The men came again, but not as many as the first time. ( )
4. John cried again “The wolf! The wolf! ” ( )
5. John felt very sorry for deceiving people. ( )
6. On the third day, the wolf came and John called for help again. ( )
7. To have some fun, he cried “The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! ” ( )
8. No one came to help John. ( )
9. The men came running to destroy the wolf. ( )
10. John was laughing. ( )
C. Matching—Match the word in A with the meaning in B.
to suffer because of another's death
a heavy stick
a tool used for chopping wood
a young sheep
people who live close to you
the part of a shirt that covers the arm