
Mr. Hao Shiyuan, born in 1952 in the Autonomous Region of inner-Mongolia, is a researcher and CASS member, secretary general of the academic presidium of CASS and director of the academic division of Social, political and legal studies, CASS. Mr. Hao also was selected as the MAS foreign member in 2013. He is also the chairman of China's Anthropological Society and chairman of China's World Ethnic Society. Mr. Hao's major areas of study involve ethno-national theory of Marxism, ethnic problems and policies of China and foreign countries, history of China's ethnic people, ethnic groups in Taiwan. His representative works include Empire Hegemony and Balkan Flashpoint: Interpretation the Reality of Kosovo Based on the History of Yugoslavia, How Chinese Communist Party Manages the Ethno-national Issues, Classification of People: A Dialogue on “Nation” and “Ethnic Group” Concept between China and the West, Ethnic Issues in Taiwan: from“Fan”(番)to “Aboriginal People”, etc.