Word List 7


clergy [ˈklɜːrdʒi]
n.牧师;神职人员(priests or ministers)
例 Separation of church and state barred Protestant clergy from the role that priests assumed in Brazil.
派 clerical(a.牧师的;办事员的)
client [ˈklaɪənt]
n.委托人(a person who engages the professional advice or services of another);顾客(customer)
例 The firm is having difficulty retaining its clients of long standing.
派 clientele(n.诉讼委托人,客户)
cliff [klɪf]
n.悬崖,峭壁(steep, high face of rock, esp. at the edge of the sea)
记 联想记忆:cli(看作climb爬) + ff(像两个钩子) →用钩子在悬崖峭壁上爬→悬崖,峭壁
例 They launched themselves by jumping from cliffs, and dropping from trees.
clinging [ˈklɪŋɪŋ]
记 来自cling(v.粘紧,附着)
例 The workers removed the clinging vine from the brick wall.
clockwise [ˈklɑːkwaɪz]
a./ad.顺时针方向的(地)(in the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock)
记 词根记忆:clock + wise(以…方向) →以钟走的方向→顺时针方向的
例 a clockwise direction顺时针方向
clog [klɑːg]
v.妨碍(to obstruct);阻塞(to block up)
记 联想记忆:圆木(log)一般很重,搁在c后自然是妨碍(clog)了
例 The recent surge in the number of airplane flights has clogged the nation's air-traffic control system.
clot [klɑːt]
n.凝块(a thickened lump formed within a liquid);v.使凝结成块(to thicken into a clot)
例 According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, aspirin prevents blood clots just as well as a commonly used and more expensive blood-thinning drug does.
派 cloture(n.讨论终结)
clump [klʌmp]
n.丛,簇(a group of things clustered together);v.使密集(to form sth. in a group)
记 和lump(n.块,团)一起记
例 The brim of the hat was decorated with a clump of silk flowers.
cluster [ˈklʌstər]
n. (任何的)群,堆,团(number of people, animals or things grouped closely together);v.使聚集在一起(to surround sb./sth. closely)
记 词根记忆:clust(=clot凝成块) + er →凝块→团
例 clusters of houses房屋建筑群// clustered suburban houses密集的郊区房屋
coalition [ˌkoʊəˈlɪʃn]
例 A coalition of lawyers defended the workers in court.
coaster [ˈkoʊstər]
n.杯垫(a small mat that is put underneath a glass or cup to protect the surface of a table);(供娱乐用的)滑坡铁路
记 来自coast(n.海岸)
例 roller coaster过山车
cocaine [koʊˈkeɪn]
n.可卡因(drug used as a local anaesthetic by doctors, and as a stimulant by drug addicts)
记 词根记忆:coca(古柯) + ine →可卡因
例 Thus enforcement efforts have ironically resulted in an observed increase in the illegal use of cocaine.
code [koʊd]
n.法规(a body of law);准则(a system of principles or rules)
例 the Education Code教育法// code of ethics道德准则
codify [ˈkɑːdɪfaɪ]
v.整理(法律)(to classify);系统化(to systematize)
记 来自code(n.法规)
例 Jim Crow laws did not go as far in codifying traditional practice as they might have.
cognitive [ˈkɑːgnətɪv]
a.认知的(of, characterized by, involving, or relating to cognition)
记 词根记忆:cogn(知道) + itive →知道的→认知的
例 cognitive ability认知能力
coherent [koʊˈhɪrənt]
a.连贯的(consistent);清楚的(having clarity or intelligibility);附着的,黏在一起的(sticking together)
记 词根记忆:co(一起) + her(黏着,黏附) + ent →附着的
例 The bacteria indeed form a large coherent group.
派 cohesive(a.黏着的); coherence(n.一致)
coinage [ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ]
n.货币,货币制度(system of coins in use)
记 词根记忆:coin(币) + age(行为,结果) →货币
例 Debasement of the coinage had compensated for the loss.
coincide [ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd]
v.巧合(to concur);一致,符合(to correspond)
记 词根记忆:co(共同) + in + cide(切) →共同切分→一致,符合
例 The discovery of leavened bread(膨松面包)roughly coincided with the introduction of a wheat variety.
派 coincidence(n.巧合之事); coincident(a.巧合的); coincidental(a.一致的)
collaborate [kəˈlæbəreɪt]
v.协作(to work together);勾结,通敌(to cooperate treasonably as with an enemy occupation force in one's county)
记 词根记忆:col(一起) + labor(工作) + ate →一起工作→协作
例 The prisoners collaborated to plan the escape.
派 collaboration(n.合作;勾结)
collapse [kəˈlæps]
v./n.崩溃(to break down completely);失败(to fail completely)
记 词根记忆:col(一起) + lapse(滑,落) →全部滑落→崩溃
例 The local sugar beet(糖用甜菜)industry collapsed in 1902.
同根词:elapse(v.时间流逝); lapse(v./n.失误); relapse(v.旧病复发)
collateral [kəˈlætərəl]
n.抵押品,担保(property pledged by a borrower to protect the interests of the lender)
记 词根记忆:col + later(边) + al →需要一边提供支持的→担保
例 I have no collateral, so the bank probably won't give me a loan.
同根词:bilateral(a.双边的); equilateral(a.等边的)
collective [kəˈlektɪv]
a.集体的(relating to a group or society as a whole)
例 Using our collective resources, we made a bid for the property.
派 collectively(ad.全体地,共同地)
collide [kəˈlaɪd]
v.碰撞;抵触(to clash)
例 Two planes collided in midair.
派 collision(n.碰撞;冲突)
collinear [kəˈlɪnɪr]
a.在同一直线上的(passing through or lying on the same straight line)
记 词根记忆:col(一起) + linear(直线的) →在同一直线上的
例 Three or more points P1, P2, P3..., are said to be collinear if they lie on a single straight line L.
colonize [ˈkɑːlənaɪz]
v.建立殖民地,拓殖(to establish a colony in an area)
记 来自colony(n.殖民地)
例 An ancestral species might have adapted to exploit a particular ecological niche on one island and then traveled over water to colonize other islands.
派 colonization(n.殖民;殖民化)
coloration [ˌkʌləˈreɪʃn]
n.着色法,染色法(the method of dying);颜色,色泽(color)
记 来自color(n.颜色)
例 Studies of several animal species have shown that when choosing mates, females prefer males with brighter carotenoid-based coloration.
colossal [kəˈlɑːsl]
例 Buying computers for an entire company is a colossal expense.
combat [ˈkɑːmbæt]
n.战斗(war, conflict);v.与…作战;同…斗争(to struggle against);a.战斗的
记 词根记忆:com + bat(打,战斗) →战斗
例 To combat this problem we must establish a board to censor certain movies. // the combat mortality rates战斗死亡率
派 combatant(n.参战者,战士); combative(a.斗志旺盛的)
同根词:baton(n.警棍); acrobat(n.杂技演员)
combine [kəmˈbaɪn]
v.联合,结合(to join)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + bi(两个) + ne →使两个在一起→结合
例 Mexican American leaders combined ethnic with contemporary civic symbols.
派 combined(a.组合的); combination(n.组合,化合)
combustion [kəmˈbʌstʃən]
n.燃烧(burning, catching fire)
记 词根记忆:com + bust(燃烧) + ion →燃烧
例 The quick combustion of the dry forest was caused by the lack of rain.
comedian [kəˈmiːdiən]
n.喜剧演员(an actor who plays comic roles)
记 来自comedy(n.喜剧)
例 The evening schedule was crowded with comedians and variety shows.
comet [ˈkɑːmət]
记 联想记忆:come(来) + t →很多年才来一次的星星→彗星
例 They are ejected by the comet.
commend [kəˈmend]
v.推荐(to recommend);表扬(to praise)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + mend(命令;委托) →大家都委托他→推荐
例 The employees were commended with a bonus.
commensurate [kəˈmenʃərət]
a.(with)相称的;相当的(corresponding in size, extent, amount, or degree)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + mensur(测量) + ate →测量相同→相当的
例 Your salary is commensurate with your experience level.
comment [ˈkɑːment]
n.评论,意见(a statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude);v.发表评论(to make a comment on)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + ment(思考) →一起思考→评论
例 Managers will save time by simply choosing comments from a preexisting list.
派 commentator(n.评论员,解说员)
commerce [ˈkɑːmɜːrs]
n.贸易,商业(the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place)
记 词根记忆:com(加强) + merce(贸易) →贸易,商业
例 Commerce—its profit-making, its self-interestedness, its individualism—became the enemy of these classical ideals.
派 commercial(a.商业的;n.商业广告)
commercial [kəˈmɜːrʃl]
a.商业的(occupied with or engaged in commerce or work intended for commerce);n.商业广告(an advertisement broadcast on radio or television)
记 来自commerce(n.贸易;商业)
例 The classical conception of virtuous leadership was being undermined by commercial forces that had been gathering since at least the beginning of the eighteenth century.
派 commercially(ad.商业上)
commission [kəˈmɪʃn]
n.委员会(a group of persons directed to perform some duty);佣金(fee);
v.委托(to place an order for)
记 词根记忆:com + miss(委派) + ion →委托
例 the International Trade Commission国际贸易委员会// Jean's commission was 5 percent of the total amount of her sales. // This study was commissioned by the Department of Agriculture.
同根词:mission(n.使命); remission(n.缓解;免除)
commit [kəˈmɪt]
v.做;犯(to carry into action deliberately);交付(to pledge or assign to some particular use);(使)受约束,致力于(to obligate, bind)
记 词根记忆:com + mit(送) →送给→调配…供使用
例 commit a crime犯罪// They must commit some of their own resources to the choice. // Each partner will remain committed to the relationship.
派 commitment(n.许诺); committed(a.忠于…的,坚定的)
commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt]
n.承诺,许诺(an agreement or pledge to do sth. in the future)
记 词根记忆:commit(使…承担义务) + ment →承诺,许诺
例 Our actions demonstrate not a bias in favor of liberal views but rather a commitment to a balanced presentation of diverse opinions.
commodity [kəˈmɑːdəti]
n.商品(an economic good)
记 词根记忆:com + mod(方式,范围) + ity →各种各样的东西→商品
例 The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee.
commoner [ˈkɑːmənər]
n.平民(a person without noble rank of title)
记 来自common(a.普通的)
例 The Forbidden City in Beijing was a site which a commoner or foreigner could not enter without any permission.
commonplace [ˈkɑːmənpleɪs]
a.平凡的,普通的(plain and ordinary);n.平庸的东西,陈词滥调(something that is ordinary or common)
记 联想记忆:common(通常的) + place(地方) →平庸之处→平凡的,普通的
例 By the mid-1850's the inclusion of women in the rituals of party politics had become commonplace. // commonplace book摘录簿
communal [kəˈmjuːnl]
a.全体共用的,共享的(characterized by collective ownership and use of property)
记 词根记忆:com + mun(公共) + al →公共的→共享的
例 The editors shared a set of communal computers for their work.
communist [ˈkɑːmjənɪst]
n.共产党员,共产主义者(an adherent or advocate of communism);a.共产主义的(of or relating to communism)
记 词根记忆:commun(=commune公社) + ist(人) →在公社工作的人→共产党员
例 Although all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were not carried live, Soviet audiences have seen a great deal of coverage.
community [kəˈmjuːnəti]
n.团体;共同体(a unified body of individuals)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + mun(公共) + ity →共同体
例 Some communities in Florida are populated almost exclusively by retired people. // coral reef communities珊瑚礁群落// business community企业界
commute [kəˈmjuːt]
v.坐公交车往返于两地(to travel back and forth regularly);变换(to convert);交换(to exchange)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + mut(改变) + e →坐车换车→坐公交车往返于两地
例 Children commute to school rather than living on campus.
派 commuter(n.经常往返者)
同根词:mutation(n.突变); immutable(a.不可变的)
compact [ˈkɑːmpækt]
a.紧密的(condensed);n.契约(an agreement or covenant)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + pact(打包,压紧) →一起压紧→紧密的;pact本身是一个单词,意为“契约”
例 compact disc光盘// a matrimonial compact婚约
派 compactor(n.压土机); subcompact(n.微型汽车)
companionate [kəmˈpænjənɪt]
记 来自company(n.陪伴)
例 a companionate family和睦的家庭
comparable [ˈkɑːmpərəbl]
a.可比较的;比得上的(capable of or suitable for comparison)
记 来自compare(v.比较,相比)
例 Other towns and cities nearby have yet to embark on any comparable plans to attract new citizens.
派 comparability(n.相似性;可比性)
comparison [kəmˈpærɪsn]
n.比较,对照(an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities);比喻(the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another)
记 来自compare(v.比较)
例 In comparison to public rest areas, private parking lots near highways tend to be time-consuming for drivers to reach.
compassion [kəmˈpæʃn]
记 词根记忆:com + pass(感情) + ion →共同的感情→同情
例 The nurse had compassion for the sick patient.
派 compassionate(a.富于同情心的)
compatible [kəmˈpætəbl]
a.协调的(capable of existing together in harmony);兼容的(designed to work with another device or system without modification)
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + pat(=path感情) + ible →有共同感受的→协调的
例 Price-fixing and the operation of the free market are not compatible. // Equipment used in the electronic network for transferring funds will be compatible with equipment used in other such networks.
派 compatibility(n.和谐共处)
compel [kəmˈpel]
v. (to)强迫(to force)
记 词根记忆:com + pel(驱使) →驱使去做→强迫
例 This compelled the prisoner to establish a value without much distortion.
派 compelling(a.必须接受的,强迫的)
同根词:repel(v.打退); expel(v.驱逐;开除)
compelling [kəmˈpelɪŋ]
a.引起兴趣的(keenly interesting; captivating)
记 联想记忆:compel(强迫) + ling →事物太优秀迫使人们引起兴趣和注意→引起兴趣的
例 Women therefore have more compelling common interest with men of their own economic class than with women outside it.
compensate [ˈkɑːmpenseɪt]
v.补偿(to equalize);偿还(to repay);付报酬(to pay)
记 词根记忆:com + pens(花费) + ate →花费都还回来→补偿
例 A small business is able to cut back sharply on spending and thereby compensate for a loss of revenue.
派 compensation(n.补偿); compensative(a.偿还的,补充的)
同根词:expense(n.支出); dispense(v.分发,分配)
compensation [ˌkɑːmpenˈseɪʃn]
n.补偿(the act of compensating);赔偿金(payment to unemployed or injured workers or their dependents);报酬(payment)
记 来自compensate(v.补偿)
例 Most corporate boards' compensation committees focus primarily on peer-group comparisons.
compensatorily [kəmˈpensətɔːrili]
例 An authority can call things to a halt, and begin things again from compensatorily staggered "starting lines".
competence [ˈkɑːmpɪtəns]
n.能力(the state or quality of being well qualified)
记 词根记忆:com + pet(力争) + ence →能够力争的→能力
例 The most important quality in an employee is not specific knowledge or technical competence.
派 competent(a.能干的); competency(n.能力,资格)
competitive [kəmˈpetətɪv]
a.有竞争性的;比赛的(relating to, characterized by, or based on competition)
记 来自compete(v.竞争;比赛;对抗)
例 At high density levels, however, competitive effects outweigh legitimation effects, discouraging foundings.
派 competitively(ad.有竞争力地;好竞争地)
compile [kəmˈpaɪl]
v.编辑,编撰(to collect and edit into a volume)
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + pile(堆) →堆积在一起加工→编辑
例 Lists of hospitals have been compiled showing which hospitals have patient death rates exceeding the national average.
complacency [kəmˈpleɪsnsi]
n.自满,自得(self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies)
记 联想记忆:com(共同,所有) + place(地方) + ncy →对自己各个地方都满意→自满,自得
例 They may truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their current success.
complainant [kəmˈplenənt]
n.控诉者(one who complains);原告(plaintiff)
记 来自complain(v.控诉)
例 The organization acted unfairly toward the complainant in its investigation.
complaint [kəmˈpleɪnt]
n.抱怨,诉苦(expression of grief, pain, or dissatisfaction);疾病(a bodily ailment or disease)
记 来自complain(v.抱怨)
例 On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures.
[ˈkɑːmplɪment] v.补充(to reinforce)
[ˈk ɑːmplɪmənt] n.补足物(something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect);【生】(血清中的)补体
记 词根记忆:com(加强) + ple(装满,填满) + ment →补充
例 John's work complements Larson's theory. // All of the cells in a particular plant start out with the same complement of genes.
派 complementary(a.补充的); complemented(a.有补助物的)
complex [kəmˈpleks]
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + plex(重叠,多) →重叠在一起的→复杂的
例 The most effective leaders are those who can solve complex problems by finding simple, immediate solutions.
派 complexity(n.复杂;复杂的事物)
complication [ˌkɑːmplɪ ˈkeɪʃn]
n.并发症(a secondary disease or condition developing in the course of a primary disease or condition);复杂,复杂化(complexity)
记 来自complicate(v.使复杂化)
例 They have been used primarily by older adults, who are at risk for complications from influenza.
comply [kəmˈplaɪ]
v. (with)遵循(to conform, submit, or adapt as required)
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + ply(用) →大家一起都要用的→遵循
例 A good citizen complies with the laws of the country.
派 compliance(n.依从,顺从)
component [kəmˈpoʊnənt]
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + pon(放置) + ent →放置在一起的东西→成分
例 The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts.
compose [kəmˈpoʊz]
v. (of)组成(to form by putting together);使安定(to calm)
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + pose(放) →放到一起→组成
例 The stars in the Milky Way galaxy are composed of several different types of gas.
派 composer(n.作家,设计者); composition(n.组成,合成物;作文)
composition [ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃn]
n.作文;作曲;构成(the manner in which sth. is composed)
记 来自compose(v.组成,构成;作曲)
例 Geochemist John Gurney showed that garnets with this composition were formed only in the diamond-stability field.
compound [ˈkɑːmpaʊnd]
n.混合物,化合物(something formed by a union of elements or parts);a.
混合的(composed of or resulting from union of separate elements, ingredients, or parts)
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + pound(放) →混合物
例 Water is a chemical compound of oxygen and hydrogen.
comprehend [ˌkɑːmprɪ ˈhend]
v.理解,领会(to understand);包含(to include)
记 词根记忆:com(一起) + prehend(抓住) →一起抓住→领会
例 They assume that commercial institutions cannot comprehend the special needs of minority enterprises.
同根词:prehensile(a.适于抓住的); comprehensible(a.容易了解的)
comprehension [ˌkɑːmprɪ ˈhenʃn]
n.理解(the act or action of grasping with the intellect);包含(the act or process of comprising)
记 词根记忆:com(加强) + prehens(抓) + ion →全部抓住→理解
例 Each of the reading comprehension questions is based on the content of a passage.
compress [kəmˈpres]
v.压缩,浓缩(to press or squeeze together)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + press(压) →全部压→压缩
例 A transmitter compresses the digital signal as it is sent.
派 compression(n.压缩)
comprise [kəmˈpraɪz]
v.包含(to include);组成(to make up, compose)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + pris(握取) + e →被握在一起→包含;组成
例 In the country, women comprise 45 percent of the labor force.
compromise [ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz]
v.妥协(to settle by concessions);n.折衷(settlement of differences by consent reached by mutual concessions)
记 词根记忆:com(共同) + promise(保证) →相互保证→妥协
例 The legislation that came out of Congress was a compromise measure.
You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.
——美国演员卓别林(Charles Chaplin, American actor)