Factors Affecting Government Officials' Construction of Image on Social Networks
——An Empirical Analysis Based on the Weibo Account of 1781 Government Officials
Abstract: Social networks, such as Weibo, provide new channels to construct the images of government officials. This article, based on data on the Weibo accounts of 1, 781 government officials, investigates those factors affecting the construction of popular images of government officials. The results reveal that the identities of government officials on Weibo can improve their popularity on social networks. This is contingent on the disclosure of complete, true, and accurate personal information; government officials with rich work experience, especially work experience in the area of propaganda, are more adept at creating personal social networks. Overall, active social network behavior can be beneficial to popularity on social networks. Appropriate strategies allow government officials to engage in social networks more efficiently and hence to establish better image.
Keywords: Social Networks; Image Construction by Government Officials; Management of Impressions