The research on the antonym has been the focus of the study of Chinese ontology research. This book chooses the spatial polar words which have opposite semantic relationships as the research object from the requirements of Chinese language teaching practice and urgent problems. This book made a general description of the collocation of the spatial polar words and other matched units from the aspect of the overgeneralization of the foreign students and tries to explain the reason why the null elements existed.
In this book, the spatial polar words were divided into three types; they are locative polar words, moving-changing polar words, and directional polar words. Each chapter is divided into the space domain and projection domain of the two categories.
This book concluded that:(1)The meaning of the spatial polar words and the matched units are constructed in a dynamic process. Whether the spatial polar words can be matched with the other units was constrained by the meaning of the spatial polar words, the meaning of the matched units and the meaning of the structures.(2)The opposite semantic relation between some spatial polar words will be changed after they matched with other units.(3)The null elements can be formal, can be semantic and pragmatic.(4)Generally speaking, the matched units have provided abundant semantic information; the teachers should foster the foreign students' perception ability about the semantic relations between the matched units.
In addition, this book also provides some grammar reference to the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language on how to avoid overgeneralization.