053【欧美人这样表示“核实”! 】Do you mean...?你是说……?
Do you mean I have to go back today and come here again tomorrow? 你是说我今天不得不回去一趟,等明天再过来?
Do you mean I need to call back later? 你是说让我等下再打过来,是吗?
Do you mean I've passed the exam? 你是说我考试合格了?
Do you mean your company decides to employ me? 你是说贵公司决定录用我了?
Do you mean there will be a heavy rain tonight? 你是说今晚有大雨?
Do you mean you have forgiven me? 你是说你已经原谅我了?
Do you mean you won't come back until the end of this June? 你是说你得到六月末才能回来,是么?
Do you mean it's all my fault? 你是说这都是我的错咯?
1.A: You have been admitted to Peking University.你被北大录取了。
B: Do you mean I will be a student of Peking University?你是说我将成为北大学子了?
2.A: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break it.对不起,我不是故意把它给弄坏的。
B: Do you mean you broke my computer?你是说你把我电脑弄坏了?
3.A: You are just the talent that our company needs!你正是我们公司需要的人才!
B: Do you mean I've passed my job interview?你是说我面试合格了?
温馨提示:“Do you mean...”后接从句,即所接句子具有完整的主谓宾成分,除去“Do you mean”三个词,后面的句子就是个完整的陈述句。