依托式教学有深厚的理论基础。首先,教育学理论——包括体验式学习理论及建构主义理论,为依托式教学提供了有力支持。其次,依据功能语言学的观点,语言是表达功能意义的途径,语言学习不仅要学习语言的“用法”,更要学习语言在现实环境中的“使用”。最后,第二语言习得理论认为自然语言习得产生于有上下文的语境,学习者通过接触大量的语言输入习得语言。依托式教学将学生学习的重点放在有意义的内容上,而不是语言本身,为学生提供一个语言环境,使学生能进行有意义的交际活动,从而有效地促进语言习得。在依托式教学中所使用的知识框架理论(Mohan 1986)、任务教学理念以及“6- T”教学原则(Stoller & Grabe 1997)均有助于学生习得目标语。
关键词:依托式教学 动机 焦虑感 学习策略 评判性思维能力英语水平
A general movement in language teaching, away from putting emphasis on the language itself towards a more focused emphasis on teaching the language as a tool in communication, has become evident over the past few decades. As a direct consequence of this trend, CBI(Content-based Instruction)has become increasingly popular as an effective means of developing learners' linguistic ability in a great variety of educational contexts. CBI is a method of teaching second/foreign languages that integrates language instruction with instruction in the content areas. CBI is generally accepted as one of the most representative contributions to contemporary second/foreign language pedagogy.
CBI possesses a solid theoretical foundation. In the first instance, general educational theories, including experiential learning theory and constructivism, provide support to CBI. Secondly, according to the functional view of language, the language itself is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning; learning a language is not only learning its“usage”, but also its“use”in real life situations. Finally, theories of second language acquisition indicate that natural language acquisition occurs in a real life context, and learners can more effectively acquire the language by being exposed to a significant amount of input. CBI provides a context in which meaningful communication can occur and leads to efficient language acquisition. Second language acquisition increases with content-based language instruction because learners absorb the language most proficiently in an environment where there is an emphasis on relevant and meaningful content rather than on the language itself. The Knowledge Framework(Mohan 1986), the task-based approach and the Six-T's approach(Stoller & Grabe 1997)all contribute to learners' acquisition of the target language in CBI.
CBI has been widely used in an extensive number of educational settings worldwide in a variety of models. Numerous empirical studies exist to demonstrate the efficacy of CBI in developing learners' language proficiency, especially in the ESL settings. However, very few reports on empirical studies on CBI in the EFL context exist, especially in the Chinese College English context. Currently, universities and colleges in China are deepening the reform of College English teaching with the purpose of developing EFL learners' ability to use English in an all-round way. CBI can be taken as a possible way to attain the goal of College English teaching reform for it integrates language learning with content and aims to enhance learners' disciplinary knowledge as well as language proficiency.
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of CBI on the development of Chinese EFL learners' English proficiency and their individual factors in the College English context. At the same time, the study investigated the teaching and learning process with the content-based approach. The participants involved in the study consisted of 370 non-English majors from a comprehensive university in China with similar ages and educational backgrounds, who were in their third academic semester and had passed the CET-4. The treatment group included 185 participants who were majoring in the Chinese language and literature, education and material science, and they were taught with a content-based approach. The control group was composed of 185 participants majoring in biology, food science and electrical engineering and the students in this group were kept in the regular College English class. In order to further reveal the efficacy of CBI, the learners in the treatment group were divided into 3 subgroups: H-group(56 students), M-group(73 students)and L-group(56 students)based on their performance on the English proficiency pretest prior to the experimental teaching. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in this research. The quantitative study contained a series of test-based and product-oriented experiments, examining the effects of CBI on learners' English proficiency, motivation to learn English, anxiety in learning English, learning strategies and critical thinking skills. The qualitative study explored the learning context and learning process under CBI by using classroom-based and process-oriented research methods.
The experimental teaching program lasted one academic year, commencing in September, 2008 and extending to July, 2009. Prior to the teaching program, participants in both the treatment group and the control group took the pretest in English proficiency, motivation to learn English, anxiety in learning English, learning strategies and critical thinking skills and it was revealed that there were no significant differences between the two groups in the aspects as listed above. In the course of the teaching experiment, the two groups of learners were observed in the classroom and the teaching processes were recorded. In the middle and at the end of the experimental teaching program, participants in both the treatment group and the control group took the post-tests in terms of aspects similar to the pretest, and they were interviewed with regard to the two teaching methods.
Multivariate statistical analyses were conducted to process the collected data to guarantee a more unitary examination concerning the efficacy of content-based instruction in the Chinese College English context. It was found that:
1.Learners in the CBI program generally demonstrated a stronger motivation to learn English than those in the regular College English program and more learners in the CBI class had integrative motivation. To be specific, the learners in the treatment group had a much stronger desire to learn English than their counterparts in the control group, but no difference was observed between the two groups of learner in motivational intensity in learning English by the end of the experimental teaching program. Moreover, learners with different English proficiency levels in the CBI class under study enhanced their motivation to learn English, although the L-group learners didn't develop their motivation significantly.
2.At the end of the experiment, learners in the two groups demonstrated significant differences in their overall anxiety in learning English and communication apprehension, and learners in the treatment group had more confidence in their use of English to communicate with others. However, the two groups did not show any differences in the aspects of testing anxiety and fear of negative appraisal. With regard to the learners in the treatment group, the H-group learners and M-group learners demonstrated a significantly lower anxiety in learning English since the commencement of the teaching experiment, while the L-group learners didn't decrease their anxiety significantly in the first semester and a change was not observed until they became acquainted with the learning context of CBI in the second semester.
3.Although learners in both the treatment group and control group had the same level in using learning strategies when the experimental teaching program commenced, learners in the CBI class used English learning strategies more frequently and tended to be more autonomous and self-regulated in learning English than those in the regular College English class at the end of the program. The English learning strategies frequently used by the learners in the CBI classes were metacognitive strategies and compensation strategies. In the treatment group, learners in the H-group and M-group remarkably increased their overall use of English learning strategies. However, learners in the L-group did not show any significant progress in their use of English learning strategies during the first semester and improvement only became evident when they joined the CBI classroom in the second semester.
4.After having been educated in the CBI context for one academic year, learners in the treatment group outperformed those in the control group in terms of overall use of critical thinking skills, namely assumption identification, induction and deduction. All the learners of different English proficiency levels in the treatment group developed their critical thinking skills during the teaching experiment, but great variance could be found in their progress of using critical thinking skills due to differences in their learning motivation, learning strategies and English proficiency.
5.Both the CBI program and the regular College English program helped to enhance the general English proficiency of learners in this study. However, learners in the CBI class developed their general English proficiency at a faster rate and demonstrated a higher proficiency in receptive skills(including reading and listening)than their counterparts in the regular College English class. In addition, learners under CBI had a greater proficiency in using English in real life communication and had developed better speaking skills than those learners in the regular College English class. Although learners in the treatment group did improve their vocabulary and English writing skills, there was no significant difference in these two aspects between the treatment group and the control group. In the treatment group, learners in the H-group and M-group developed their English proficiency significantly while learners in the L-group failed to make as much progress as those in the two subgroups mentioned above.
In addition, the CBI model provided a beneficial learning context which facilitated language acquisition. Input in the CBI class was of great variety and authenticity. Learners in this context took an active role in the learning process and they improved their language proficiency, acquired access to the subject matter and upgraded their thinking skills by completing various tasks and solving real life problems.
A conclusion can be drawn that CBI in the College English context is an effective way to develop Chinese EFL learners' English proficiency and in the process helps them to gain knowledge concerning the subject matter. It could be adopted as an option among the various language teaching methods in the College English context, especially after the college English learners have passed the CET-4 and have met the basic requirements of the College English Syllabus. Learners in the CBI model are exposed to a significant amount of authentic input and motivated to learn both content and language, and they have more opportunities to practice the target language skills when they learn the subject matter and complete various tasks, which enhances their ability to use English in real life situations. When a number of conditions for CBI(e. g. the teacher's qualifications and learners' language proficiency prior to CBI)are met in the College English context, the CBI approach can display important advantages over other teaching methods in helping Chinese EFL learners to develop their English proficiency, thinking skills and cultural quality, and to achieve the goals stated in the College English Curriculum Requirements.
Keywords: CBI; motivation; anxiety; learning strategies; critical thinking skills; English proficiency