第二章 货物进口管理
Chapter Ⅱ Administration of Import of Goods
第一节 禁止进口的货物
Section 1 Goods under Import Prohibition
第八条 有对外贸易法第十七条规定情形之一的货物,禁止进口。其他法律、行政法规规定禁止进口的,依照其规定。
Article 8 The import of goods falling into one of the circumstances set forth in Article 17 of the Foreign Trade Law shall be prohibited. If the import of any goods is prohibited by any other laws or administrative regulations, such laws and administrative regulations shall apply.
The catalogue of goods under import prohibition shall be formulated, readjusted and published by the State Council foreign trade department jointly with other relevant departments of the State Council.
第九条 属于禁止进口的货物,不得进口。
Article 9 The goods under import prohibition shall not be imported.